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Payment Workbench Media(PMW)- Check print for HR PAYROLL issues

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Hi all

we are trying to convert from using RFFOUS_C to SAPFPAYM(FBPM) for FI and HR systems.

For FI, we are able to accomplish without much issues. We configured FBZP and OBPM* and Adode interface structures (FPAHX, FPAH, IT_FPAY) has all the information we need to print check from FBPM.

I am trying to replicate this in our HR system but I can see that CALL FUNCTION 'RP_IMPORT_PAY_STATEMENT'

is getting called to bring in the payroll information but this FM is not part of program SAPFPAYM(FBPM). What is the right way to accomplish this to get HR info in FBPM?

any ideas would be appreciated it?

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