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One-shot events

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Hi guys!

I am in doubt about de One-shot events. How to detect/use some of them.

Suspencion: is it used in both cases (canceling and locking contracts)?

The Help SAP portal says about the one-shot events below:

But at Core Tool I have only the following events available:

I am working with the following version:

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Eduardo,

The contract's lifecycle must indeed be managed using the business-oriented operations (i.e., "chargingContractMaintain", in the SOAP WS API). This will automatically trigger the required one-shot events (for the suspension, the resumption, etc.).
On the other hand, the operational status is more a technical mechanism, and doesn't have the same effect.

Regarding the incomplete period that you need to charge: CC is designed to handle prorata, if you need it to.
The corresponding options can be chosen in the definition of your recurring charge (in the "Advanced" tab).
For more details, please see Core tool's guide about recurring rates (please look for "Proportional during the period"):

Please let us know if this is not what you were looking for, or if you have further questions.

Best regards.

SAP Convergent Charging Support

Answers (4)

Answers (4)

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OK François.

Thanks a lot for the clarification.

I hope you can advise me on the following situation.

The scenarium occur on a Telco company.

The end user ask for a temporary suspension of his subscription. Along this suspencion period the telco services will not be provided, and the end user will not be charged.

How ever, there is a period of time since the last invoice, till the suspension date, that must be charged.

How manage this situation?

I am understending that, to change de Operational status to Lock is not recomended.

Is there a standard way at BRIM to manage this situation?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Eduardo,

The documentation you're using is labelled "with offers and subscriptions".
This is for the legacy data model (i.e., back when charge plans were "offers", and provider contracts were "subscriptions"). That model was obsoleted a dozen years ago, and it's still usable now, but only if you manually enable it in your CC system.
Without that, the deprecated features won't appear in Core tool, and it's best to use only the newer version of the documentation, instead (the one labelled "with charge plans and contracts").
Here's the corresponding page, for the "one-shot" events:

Regarding the "suspension" one-shot event: the "operational status" of a contract is only a technical feature, while the suspension is a business feature, and they're therefore not related.
Changing the operational status of a contract to "locked" prevents CC from processing that contract at all. This can be used when you're going to migrate that contract to a different CC system, for example (e.g., if you're going to split the underlying database, or to migrate the system to a different machine, and you must avoid duplicate business operations). Doing this is like making the contract temporarily invisible to the charging processes, but doesn't trigger anything automatically.
This is why no one-shot event can be triggered when you lock a contract.

Feel free to ask for more details if needed.

Best regards.

SAP Convergent Charging Support

0 Kudos

Hi François

Since we already have a lots of objects developed, is it possible to cause any damage for this objects if I change the Working Object Set to the opotion Provider Contracts and Subscriptions?

Will be possible to use the events Cancellation and Early cancellation on the provider contracts created by SOM?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi again Eduardo,

Regarding this topic: can you please confirm that you have created all your objects using the new model? (i.e., with the model called "Provider contracts only")

If so, we strongly recommend you to keep it as it already is: "subscriptions" are obsolete, and they're still available for customers who developed their pricing logic with old versions of our software, but no one else should use that anymore now.

Best regards.

SAP Convergent Charging Support

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Hi Francois

The situation that I 've related started when I was looking for a solution for the following case:

A provider contract has its Operational status turned to Locked.

I was expecting that the One-shot event Suspencion was triggered, but it didn't happen...

Locking a contract, that event shoud be trigged?


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