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MSMP Workflow Instance

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Hey there,

I would be very grateful if you could help me with unterstanding the relation between an MSMP instance und a workflow. To be more precise: In the table GRFNMWRTINST there are the two fields INSTANCE_ID and EXTERNAL_KEY. In case of an FFLOG, the external key is composed of the the process type and the workflow ID.

So I could use the workflow ID in the table GRACFFLOG to to extract the respective logs, which is also nicely described here:

However I still struggle to understand the difference between INSTANCE_ID and WF_ID. Which objects are these values identifying? Isn't each MSMP instance automatically connected to an instance of a workflow? So why is it necessary to distinguish these two and introduce two IDs? Or is there also the potential that the WF_ID that is assigned to an MSMP instance could change at some point or vice versa?

I'd really appreciate your support or if you could point out some reference to me.

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Hi Carl,

MSMP instance ID is different from External Key,the External Key(ACCREQ,ROLE_BUS/FFLOG etc)/External Key For Display(Request Number, Business Role Name,User using FF_XX_CC on System etc) will based on the MSMP Process ID(SAP_GRAC_ACCESS_REQUEST/SAP_GRAC_ROLE_APPR etc.)

Even Instance Status(FINISHED) and Instance Approval Status(APPROVED/CANCELLED) are different.



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Hi ramesh_vithanala,

thank your for your answer. This definitety helps to unserstand the difference between an MSMP instance and an MSMP process.

Meanwhile I also found the table GRFNMWRTKEY (MSMP Runtime - Workflow Instances) which also has a WF_ID field and now I am even more confused.

So what you wrote makes perfectly sense: I can use the EXTERNAL_KEY to get the corresponding entry in the GRACREQ or GRACFFLOG tables.

Based on the example above, my current understanding is that:

  1. MSMP instance 0001 hosts a workflow of type (or PROCESS_ID) ACCREQ with workflow ID 1234_ABC
  2. MSMP instance 0002 hosts a workflow of type (or PROCESS_ID) FFLOG with workflow ID 1234_DEF
  • Is it correct then, that each MSMP instance hosts a single workflow of a certain type?
  • And then which workflows do the WF_IDs in GRFNMWRTKEY refer to as these IDs could not be mapped to GRACFFLOG (or GRACREQ)?

So currently I am assuming that each MSMP instance could only host a single workflow, due to the 1:1 mapping in GRFNMERTINST and that the WF_ID field in GRFNMWRTKEY is not giving this workflow hosted by the MSMP instance, but some other object connected to the workflow. So the WF_ID field in GRACFFLOG is not the same as the WF_ID field in GRFNMERTKEY.

Please correct me if my assuptions are wrong and thank you very much again for your reply.

Kind regards
