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Log file .gz

0 Kudos

Hi guys!

I am trying to open a log file .gz, but getting the message as shown at the image.

Is it a problem on the file read or the file creation?

I am looking for a possible error on a One Shot rate.

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Eduardo,

Thanks for your response.

This confirms the previous hypothesis: the file contains no business data, because CC created it in advance, to save time for the subsequent operations.
Something was inaccurate in my reply, though: the file isn't completely empty, but rather "blank".
This means that, at creation time, CC initialises it by filling it with null bytes, so as to reach the maximum size (1024 KB is the default setting, in the CIF configuration). This results in reserving the space on your hard disk, therefore guaranteeing that you'll be able to write all the expected data into that file.
Because of this, all these blank files should have exactly the same size (e.g., exactly 1024 KB).

Plus, the non-null bytes at the beginning are the header requested by the GZIP format.

Now, if you want to double-check that the files really contain no significant bytes, the best approach is probably to use the "od" utility, in your shell.
It'll show the header bytes at the beginning, and then group together all the identical lines (i.e., the ones made up only of zero bytes).

Below is an example, with an old blank file of my own.
If you get the same kind of output, the file is not relevant and may be deleted.
CC has cleanup mechanisms to discard unwanted files automatically upon startup, though. Please let us know if you have any questions about that.

$ ls -l FC5_citc-eim_003_fmi_01_20221207T182101472_000015.gz # size is exactly 1.0 MB
-rw-r--r-- 1 francois francois 1.0M Dec 7 2022 FC5_citc-eim_003_fmi_01_20221207T182101472_000015.gz

$ od -x FC5_citc-eim_003_fmi_01_20221207T182101472_000015.gz # -x to get the hex format
0000000 8b1f 0008 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000020 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

Best regards.

SAP Convergent Charging Support

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Eduardo,

The image showing the error message doesn't appear here. Can you please reupload it?

If you get an error saying that the GZ data is invalid, you probably need to verify the file's size: CC has an optimisation to "pre-create" the files on the hard disk, i.e., to create the new (empty) one immediately after the previous one has been processed. This way, when new data needs to be written, CC always finds a readily available output file, rather than waiting until the last moment to invoke the file system.
As a consequence, when your raters/bulkloaders are stopped a bit abruptly, they may leave these empty files in the directory. Since they're not needed, you can manually discard them.

If you need to verify whether this feature is enabled, you'll need to review your CIF configuration.
Here's the page from CC's Tuning guide ("Enabling the pre-creation policy for data files generated by raters and bulkloaders"):

More precisely, you'll be interested in the "_PRE_CREATE_FILE" parameters:

Please let us know if this is not what you're experiencing or if you need any clarifications, though.

Best regards.

SAP Convergent Charging Support

0 Kudos

Hi François!

Here it goes the image file.

It says about "invalid compressed data--format violated"

0 Kudos

Hi François

No more doubts

Thanks a lot