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Is there any possible the conversation amount go to Production overhead Gl account.

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Hi Team,

We are working on the alternative BOM and we have created the below scenario. We are using the S4 hana public cloud and following the below process.

G-RF is the final product and G-ICR and G-HLR consumable product.

  1. We have done the Standard Cost for G-RF - $23.78 and use the G-ICR product in it’s Bill of Materials, and produced in the CHMILL resource department.
  2. We have done the Standard cost for G-HLR - 35.61 and use the G-PCR material in it’s bill of materials, and be made in the CHHEADLA resource department.
  3. G-RF, G-ICR, and G-HLR has been marked as costing relevant.  In the Material master data, under tab Costing 1, those have not the “Do Not Cost” checkbox checked. 
  4. The G-RF having the 2 production versions for making the product. 
    1. The main production version used in costing is 0001 and set to use G-ICR in the BOM, and should use the resource group CHMILL.
    2. The second production version 0002 and set to use G-HLR in the BOM, and use the resource group CHHEADLA
    3. Product Costing done by Production version 0001
  1. We have done the Plan cost and actual for G-HLR. For Actual when making the change from G-HLR to G-RF we need to use a little more G-HLR for transfer loses.  So to make 1 ton of G-RF we used 1.1 tons of G-HLR.

For example: Created order for G-RF using production Version 0002.

6)  Is there a way that we can use a production order to produce G-RF from G-HLR, without effecting the standard cost?

7)  How did we change the G-HLR material into G-RF and have the cost difference post to 530001(Production overhead account) not variance account. 



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