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I want to add or delete Supplementary UOM field in import customs declaration

0 Kudos

Hi All,

I want to delete Supplementary UOM field for particular tariff code in import customs declaration. (SUOM: NAR is determining in customs declaration) which our business users don't need this SUOM in customs declaration.

i tried to change SUOM in program: /SAPSLL/PRODUCT_CHANGE but it is in hide mode.

Could please help on this

with regards,


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Hi Ravi,

Sounds like you don't know much about Customs! The Supplementary UoM does not depend on whether or not your business users see a need for it, and it's nothing to do with the Product, so you are looking in the wrong place.

The Supplementary UoM is an attribute of the Tariff Code. In the case of 8517620000, it's agreed internationally that the quantity of machines should be recorded and reported, so Customs Authorities in most countries will require that quantity whenever such machines cross their borders.

If a Product is classified with that Tariff Code, GTS will allow (or invite) you to provide a conversion from the Base UoM to the Supplementary UoM, so that the quantity of machines can be determined. If you do provide that conversion, the quantity will then appear in any Customs Declaration item for that Product; if not, then the user must enter the quantity in the Declaration item.

Hope that helps.
