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How to do in EPM dimension override with a dinamic link to another dimension

0 Kudos

Hello expert,

Hope you can help me with this doubt in EPM Reporting in BPC Classic.

The situation is the following:

There is a sample report, with TIme dim in rows and Currency in columns. In the top of the report there is a select list with two options. If the User select B the Currency should be overriden with member "EUR" That parts works with the standard epmdimensioverride:



The other option, when the user select option B, the requirement is to make a dinamic selection linking the ID of the Currency with the property Currency of the Entity selected in Context.

So the question is, how with EPM formulas can I set in Report Columns dimension this dinamic selection linked to Entity's Currency Property.


I tried establishing the condition with the following sentence without sucess:

=+EPMDimensionOverride("000";"RPTCURRENCY";"Linked to property 'CURRENCY' of Dimension 'ENTITY'")

I Know this same requirement could be achieved obtaining the prorperty currency of the Entity in the context in one step and in a second step to do the override of this member. The requirement is to do it dinamically with the dinamic Link to the property.

I would really appreciate your help.



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor

"Anyway i need to know if it is possible and how can be done, by EPM formula to establish this kind of filter:..." - This is not possible! And this is the correct answer.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

P.S. It's not possible to use any EPM formula like EPMDimensionOverride to switch from specific member selection (like LC) to the member relation by property. If your report is for single entity (entity dimension in the page axis) then for sure you can get currency property from this cell and use it for currency override. For multiple entity members in row axis with specific currencies - there is no solution!

0 Kudos

Thanks for your answer.

The requirement is for a complex report with different entities in rows where in each one it is required to show only its operative currency avoiding combination with other currencies ( That might me not the operative currency of the entity but the reporting currency).

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


Sorry, but not clear:

"The requirement is for a complex report with different entities in rows where in each one it is required to show only its operative currency avoiding combination with other currencies ( That might me not the operative currency of the entity but the reporting currency)."

Better to provide some test case screenshot...

Answers (3)

Answers (3)


Hi Manuel,

You can try adding EPMMemberProperty inside the Override, as follows.





Juan Pablo

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Your first formula is more or less OK, but the second one is incorrect:


Result will be like:


0 Kudos

Hi Manuel,

Manuel I recommend you see the following note 2027990 - When enable "Linked to Property"


If user want to use the "Linked to Property" function for ID of dimension:A and property of dimension:B, user should make sure that all the IDs of dimension:A are maintained as property value in dimension:B. If this is not configured, dimension members will not display correctly in report. Instead, the members in context menu would display in report.


  1. Logon to BPC Web Admin.
  2. Go to dimension:B.
  3. Add all the member IDs of dimension:A as the corresponding property value in dimension:B.
  4. Save and process dimension:B.

Best Regards!!

Juan Pablo

Active Contributor

Sorry, but this answer is not related to the question...

0 Kudos

Hi juanpa810 ,

Thanks for the note link.

I have reviewed and this explanation is usefull but I dont have any problem or doubt about how to link member selection to properties. I can do this link selection perfectly inside the report. What i do not know is if i can do it from Epm formula in any way.


0 Kudos

Hi juanpa810

Thanks a lot for your response.

I know that is a workaround and easier way to accomplish the requirement. Anyway i need to know if it is possible and how can be done, by EPM formula to establish this kind of filter:

I wonder if there is anyway similar to the one of establish a dinamic filter by property in Epm Dimension Override:


Anyone knows how it can be done?

Thanks in advance!