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How to charge for On/Off product features when modifying subscription

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Id like to get ideas on best approach to modelling ‘ON/ OFF’ product features and apply associated charge for their use in addition to the basic subscription charge. Can I do this in SB alone or is including EMS a better approach

These features could be sold with the basic car or ordered anytime during the cars subscription lifetime.

EG. Advanced Driving Services such as Turning 4WD on/off when you drive car to the mountains or go skiing at 30 Euros for a week.

Another example is of adding additional horse power when you are towing a caravan at 100 Euros per month.

These charges are added on top of basic recurring charge and then withdrawn at end of required period.

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Answers (2)

Answers (2)

0 Kudos

Hi Amer,

The help link from SOM & EMS integration for you to refer:

SOM EMS Integration

Inside it you could find that the predefined integration content already coveried the change of subscription contract.


So weather you design to make product feature as attribute of entitlement or seperate entitlement. EMS could automatically do desired entitlement adjustment based on change of your subscription. These logic mostly could achive from configuration in entitlement configurations tile.

0 Kudos

Hi Amer,

Those on/off features with subscription period can be considered as entitlements. You can keep the info in EMS and the car (hardware) can retrieve the entitlements and enforce it.

EMS won't handle the billing part. It is still in the scope of SB.

Best Regards,