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GRC 10.1 - Function Approval Workflow - how to add hyperlink for LINK_WORKITEM as a Variable


Hello! I am trying to customize the Function Approval Workflow so the approvers can receive the direct item link for approval - similar to this:

Click here to review the request.
Click here to approve/reject the request.

So once they click on the link above, they will be able to open directly the link to approve / reject the Function change item.

I have tried to add LINK_WORKITEM thru GRFNMW_CONFIGURE by following this great post ( but when I click on the email link, the link does not work - instead it shows %link_workitem%. This is how it is setup in Maintain Notification Variables for this MSMP.

Could you please let me know what I am missing?

Thank you!

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Hi Josiane,

For functional approval workflow there is no notification variable available to provide direct link to the approvers for approval. You can verify available notification variables here.

You are just adding the new notification variable in GRFNMW_CONFIGURE but the corresponding link generation logic is not available in the function module "GRAC_NOTIF_VAR_RULE_FUNCAPPR" from where the notification variable get their values populated and hence you are seeing the same variable name in the email notification.

Sample logic on how the approval link (LINK_APPROVE_REJECT) will be determined for access requests is shown in the following function module and the similar one was not available for function approval workflows

You can also check this SAP Note: 2637898 - Is it possible to create custom variables for Workflow Notifications?



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Thank you, Babu!