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FSDM Data identifier

0 Kudos


Looking for suggestion how to segregate data in each tables in FSDM.

For eg, we are loading saving, OD, deposits ,loan products from one source system to FinancialStandardProduct. If the business wants to pick only the loan products from the table , we dont have any identifier for the same.

This question is applicable for many tables in FSDP.

Request you to guide on this.


Prajeetha Nair

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Answers (3)

Answers (3)


Hi Prajeetha,

to change / replace the SourceSystemID across all tables you will have to do it for every FSDM table that was loaded via procedure. Here is a code example how you could achieve this for the FinancialContract table:

create local temporary table #FinancialContract as (select * from "YOURSCHEMA"."sap.fsdm::FinancialContract");
update #FinancialContract set "SourceSystemID" = 'NEW' where "SourceSystemID" = 'OLD';
CALL "YOURSCHEMA"."sap.fsdm.procedures::FinancialContractLoad"(ROW => #FinancialContract);
drop table #FinancialContract;

Just replace "YOURSCHEMA", 'NEW' and 'OLD' with your values and run it in SQL Console inside WebIDE. Then it would be just a little bit effort to duplicate the code for every needed FSDM table.

If you have stronger requirements on distinguish the data imports from every Source System you could probably use the technical fields ChangingProcessType or ChangingProcessID which are also part of every FSDM table.

Hope this helps you!

Best regards,


0 Kudos

Hello, good day !

As you are discussing nitty-gritties of FSDP/M, can you pls help me with some reference to FSDP data model?

Broadly(generally available SAP help)I understand following are the chunks of data model -

  • Business Partner
  • Bank Accounts
  • Lending Business
  • Syndicated Lending
  • Credit Risk
  • Securities Trading
  • Derivatives
  • Commodities
  • Subledger Accounting
  • Reinsurance
  • Primary Insurance
  • Support for European Regulatory Reporting
  • Trade Finance

However, I am unable to find to meet CSRD requirements, which attributes can be used amongst the above data chunks?

Kr, Debashish

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Prajeetha,

have you checked the field FinancialStandardProductCategory?

Best Regards

0 Kudos

Hi Greg,

To be explained in detail about the query.

We have Multiple Systems for our banking products(i.e. Accounts, cards, loans, Investments, Insurance) and Multiple Entities which have been mapped to the Financial contract, Monetary Balance, etc.. from the respective systems. Currently, we are using Source system ID for distinguishing these Systems and Entities while loading and reading the data from FSDP for better performance across all tables.

Since lot of systems are migrating/upgrading with in ENBD. We need your guidance in handling this problem whether to modify or replace the existing source system ID names or can we add new names for Source system ID across all tables in FSDP

ThanksPrajeetha Nair