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FPE1 not triggering WS21000088

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The Workflow - WS21000088 is configured.

The event 5500 is enabled.

I post using FPE1, it sets the check reasons successfully.

However it does not initiate the approval workflow.

I do not see any workflow item in my SAP inbox.

Also cannot see any approval requests.

Any pointers would be highly appreciated.

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I figured out a way.

I copied 21000056 to Z and attached it to the Workflow.

In the rule, you can set the responsibilities.

Check rule 01 -> Responsible agent is A

Check rule 02 -> Responsible agent is B

The agents are hard coded though and I am trying to avoid this.

The check rule is set based on the amount and event 5500 is leveraged.

Amount and check rule are driven from Z table.

Thanks for the pointers.


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I am using Agent Rule - 21000056 (FICA Approve Document)

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Hi Sachin,

There is no dual agent determination fucntionality being done in the Agent Rule 21000056.

I would recommend to copy the template WS21000088 and create a new one and have a new agent rule assigned to it.

In the agent rule, you can use the type F and define a function module to determine the dual agent determination.



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Amlan - Event 5500 is implemented and I am setting the Reason for Role determination and the additional parameter based on the amount.


But the approval notification is going to single person in both the cases.

I believe there is some setting in the workflow setup. Trying to figure that out.



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Hi Sachin,

I think you have to customize event 5500.

You can put an amount check in a custom table and then based on the amount can popuate the position id in the parameter values,E_C4EYE_PAR-WFP01 or E_C4EYE_PAR-WFP02.

Hope it helps



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Hi Amlan,

I figured out the solution and its good now. Thanks for replying.

We do need to setup a process to send approvals based on the amount.

Document GE 1000 should go to person A

Document GE 2000 should go to person B

So on and so forth.

The notification is going to single user at present (Say A)

Is there a way we can modify the receiver based on the amount?

Appreciate your reply.

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Have you done the linkage of the BOR object CA_DOC and event ApprovalRequired with the WF WS21000088 in SWE2?

