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Exclusion of certain charges from Dunning amount for calculation of Barring/Throttling

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Hello Team,

We would like to understand if there is already a functionality/notes which describes the exclusion of certain charges from Dunning amount for calculation of Barring/Throttling amount.

Please find the below example:

The following open receivables exist:

  • Basic tariff, EUR 29.99 => must be considered for calculating the barring amount
  • Return charge, EUR 4.40 => must not be considered for calculating the barring amount
  • Dunning charge, EUR 2.20 => must not be considered for calculating the barring amount

Dunning balance: EUR 36.59
Barring amount: EUR 29.99 (should be considered)

How is this intended to be solved in SAP RM-CA standard?

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there are different options to fulfil your requirement. The first idea could be the dunning reductions by using FI-CA event 0335. In the documentation of this event, you can read the following details:

Assignment of dunning reductions to dunning groups (using dunning group number MGRPX). Dunning groups (I_FKKMAGRP) and dunning items (I_FKKMAVS) are specified to the event. The dunning reduction amounts assigned are returned in table C_FKKMARED.

The sample module is empty. To activate the consideration of dunning reductions, you have to assign an installation-specific module to the event. As an example for the assignment of dispute cases, SAP provides the module FKK_SAMPLE_0335_DISPUTE.

Another way could be to determine different dunning levels. For this option, the FI-CA event 0304 is useful.

And if you want to influence the interest calculation during dunning, the FI-CA event 0370 is available to influence the result.

Best regards,

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