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Error in the Rater Log files - Invalid Charged/Refill Item

0 Kudos

Hello to everyone,

In the logs of one of our rater instances we got the following error:

"Invalid Charged/Refill Item: Cannot apply the Billable Item Mapping 'XX01/XX01': Cannot set Amount type field(s) of the Billable Item: no currency found for the ISO 4217 currency code 'EUR' and the decimal place count '6'"

I checked the currencies in CC and did also a manual synchronization and tried to activate the contract with the chargingContractActivate WS. The error still persisted. Checked all the parameters in SAP CC of this specific provider contract with other provider contracts but nothing suspicious. The order fulfillment status in CRM is ok and all the steps were distributed successfully. CCM parameters also look fine.

Can anybody give me a hint? What should I check?

Wishing you a great Friday,


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Doris,

In that situation, checking the list of currencies in CC (using Core tool) is the right thing to do, but did you check that you had an "EUR" currency defined specifically for 6 decimals? The exact name for that currency is usually "EUR6".
If "EUR6" is present in the list returned by Core tool, you may have to double-check that its accuracy is properly set to 6 (since this can be customized while defining your own currencies).
If there is no mistake in the currency's accuracy, you may have to restart the raters and bulkloaders, to ensure that they have reloaded all the configuration.

Can you please try that and let me know if you still face issues afterwards?

One more thing: if you actually don't want to handle 6-decimal amounts, then you may just keep the currencies you already have, and change your configuration (and/or pricing logic) in order to always generate amounts with less decimals (by either truncating or rounding them).
Please also let me know if you have any questions about that.

Best regards.

SAP Convergent Charging Support

0 Kudos

Hi François,

I checked the list of currencies in CC and in fact, the EUR6 was missing. I added the EUR6 as a currency in Customizing for SAP NetWeaver under: General Settings -> Currencies

Then I synchronized the currencies in the Core Tool of CC and the EUR6 was added. The activation process of the provider contract with the chargingContractActivate WS was successful.

Thanks a lot for the suggestions,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Doris,

Thank you very much for your feedback.
Yes, when checking that the required currency is available in CC, you have to check both the ISO-4217 code ("EUR", in the present case), but also the accuracy (6, in the present case), because the system will not be able to generate a BIT that has too many decimals for your currencies.

Best regards.

SAP Convergent Charging Support

0 Kudos

Good Morning Francois,

I would kindly request your help if possible on how to round the Default Refunds into 2 Decimals. In my case the calculation is having 6 decimals and the contract is not activated.In the Advanced tab of the price plan there is only the rounding step of the refund days (or hours, minutes) and not decimals.

How should I round up the default Refunds to 2 Decimals?

Thank you,


Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Doris,

As you mentioned, the rounding options offered in the prorata editor only affect how the duration is computed, before generating an amount.
For the resulting amount itself, on the other hand, the rounding is determined only by the system parameter called "TRANSAC_PRECISION": That's the same parameter that controls the precision for any amount generated by your usual charges components.
Its value ranges from -1 to 6. If you choose -1, CC will automatically apply the currency's precision (e.g. 6 decimals for EUR6, or 4 for EUR4).
Besides the number of decimals, you can also choose the type of rounding (or truncation), by changing TRANSACTION_ROUNDING_MODE:
For this parameter, the available settings are "NEAREST", "TRUNCATE" and "RAISE".

We understand that you hadn't noticed this issue before because your charges always generate amounts that are already properly rounded (before the proration).
In that case, explicitly choosing your rounding options can also guarantee that CC never sends too many decimals to ERP (this can be a protection, in case you ever develop a charge that computes percentages or any kind of division, for example).

Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Also, if you face these issues during a customer project, it's highly recommended to open OSS tickets, in order to get faster replies.

Best regards.


SAP Convergent Charging Support

0 Kudos

Hi Francois,

Thank you for the detailed description. It was very precise and informative and will help me and others having a similar issues as well.
I created an OSS ticket for the topic and currently am waiting for an answer.

Wish you a great weekend ahead!


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Doris,

Thank you very much for your feedback, you're welcome.
For your information, I'm not seeing the OSS ticket now (on component IS-CC), but I can discuss this topic with my colleagues again later today.

I'm still available if you need, anyway.

Best regards.

SAP Convergent Charging Support