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EPMSelectMember Filter Value Blank

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I have epmselectmember formula like this:


The problem is in filter section, Type property = F, B or any other value works but I cant make blank work. I tried TYPE = " ", TYPE = ' ' (single or double quotations, with and without space in the middle)

Any suggestions?

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zalakincUnfortunately comparison with blank (' ') is not supported in EPMSelectMember. The only way I see is you populate the TYPE with 'BLANK' rather than ' ' . You can use any other attribute value for TYPE if you like but EPMSelect will only work with some value and not blank.

Hope this helps !!

Please upvote/acept if this helps.


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Can you use wild cards in epmselectmember filters? e.g. YEAR=??22 OR **22? I tried but it didnt work. Is there a specfic format perhaps?