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EPM General Error - Error communicating with the server, Unable to connect to the remote server

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Hello All,

A user is receiving the Error while communicating with the server, unable to connect to the remote server, there was no endpoint listening at, no connection could be made because the target machine actively refused.

Have any of you encountered this error? We tried a reinstall of the add-in failed. We are wondering if MS Office is the issue and if it needs to be reinstalled or repaired?

Thank you,


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Make sure the server url in the connection in EPM is proper along with ports.

Check SM21 and SLG1 for any messages . Also EPM Log (EPM ribbon -> More -> Log) for some more details.

Try the below note

1932944 - Error while communicating with server in EPM Add-in - SAP ONE Support Launchpad


It is necessary to try the connection by disabling the automatic configuration settings in the LAN settings of Internet Explorer as follows:

  1. Open Internet Explorer,
  2. Select the menu 'Tools / Internet Options',
  3. Select the 'Connections' tab,
  4. Click on 'LAN settings' button,
  5. Untick the 3 followings options: 'Automatically detect settings', 'Use automatic configuration script' and 'Use a proxy server for your LAN (These settings will not apply to dial-up or VPN connections)' and click 'OK'.


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Hi nikhil_1486,

The issue was fixed by performing an update for MS Office.

Thank you for replying.
