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Can SD condition scales be replicated to SAP CC?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

We are using the replication of SD pricing to CC for recurring price calculation but only the base condition gets replicated. If we have a condition with scales the replication is ignoring it, which makes it useless.

Am I missing something?

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Joao,

Since "SD table" is a concept which is external to CC, only SD specialists will be able to help (so, if you open a support ticket, you'll certainly need to choose the corresponding component).
Meanwhile, if it helps, here's already some Convergent Charging documentation (from the "User interfaces" guide) about price tables, and how they are mapped to CC mapping tables:
- Price table:
- Price table instances:
- Importing a price table as a mapping table class:

Can you please check if this helps you?
Also, another very similar question was asked very recently. The answer hasn't been given yet, but it'll certainly interest you too:

Best regards.

SAP Convergent Charging Support

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Joao,

If you need to verify what CC actually receives from SD, we can suggest to enable the WS debug traces in the CC updater. For this, please log into and issue the two following commands:
set LS_TRC_DOMAIN WS memory updater
set LS_TRC_SEVERITY DEBUG memory updater

As a result, the updater will start dumping every SOAP request received, and its own corresponding responses.
Based on your explanation, you'll certainly see that SD doesn't send the information anyway. In that case, you'll certainly need advice from SD specialists, so it'll be best to add the corresponding tag to this question, to draw their attention here.
Otherwise (if you see that CC receives all the expected data from SD but still ignores it), please send the dumps of the corresponding SOAP communications, so we can diagnose the situation on CC's side. If the dumps contain sensitive information, you may want to open a support ticket on IS-CC rather than posting everything here.

Either way, once you're done with reproducing the issue and generating SOAP dumps, please restore your usual log levels, to avoid filling up your trace files uselessly.
If you just want to restore the default (factory) settings for the updater, here are the admin+ commands:
reset LS_TRC_SEVERITY all updater
reset LS_TRC_DOMAIN all updater

Best regards.

SAP Convergent Charging Support

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi, my problem is that I'm not sure if it's a product feature. Seems like a bug to send SD base conditions and not the scale values, but given that CC only has a mapping table class and not a range table class, I highly suspect that it is simply not a feature (which is weird, why send half the data?).

I will do some extra research based on your feedback and if necessary I'll open a ticket in support.
