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Budget Exceed Error on MIRO

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Dear Experts,

A PO is created in previous fiscal year 2021 and it has consumed the payment budget at time of its creation as normal. Now when I try to post its MIRO in current period (year 2022) then system issues the budget exceed error (FMAVC005). Please note that the PO amount is 31,000 but message no.FMAVC005 is showing defficiency in budget as 562,200.

I have checked the corresponding FM document which confirms the Payment Budget consumed as 31,000 in previous fiscal year. I also checked the report "FMAVCDIFF - Find AVC Data Inconsistencies " for both previous and current fiscal year but there is no issue found.

Additionally, I also noticed that the budget report FMRP_RW_BUDCON on same budget address in 2022 is showing a PO carryforward of 531,200. If we add 31,000 (PO of 2021) in 531,200 then total becomes 562,200 which exactly matches the amount shown in MIRO error message as given above.

Please guide how to tackle this issue.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor


You should check your settings for budget carry-over when you perform the carry-forward via FMJ2. Was it transferred to the next year? Also, is it a problem with just one PO or a generic problem? This is important in order to realise whether you should look for a glitch in the system algorithm or a structural error in the configuration.




Dear Eli,

Thanks for your valuable feedback.

Today when i rechecked the MIRO with same PO and same data, it worked fine. Now no error is appearing.

To me it seems that, probably, entry of FMJ2 (531,200 done at start of current fiscal year) had stuck in system memory as locked item due to which it aggregated the 531,200 during AVC of MIRO (amount 31,000), hence triggering the error message FMAVC005 as budget defficiency of 562,200. So after unlocking of that entry, somehow, has removed the error. Anyway now MIRO is working ok.

Your suggested probablity is perfectly possible in scenarios which I faced.

Thanks for your help.

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

0 Kudos


I hope You already done FMJ2 for this PO.

Check Budget report how much it shows in Current Budget and Consumable Budget.

I think Current Budget must be Last year Commitment + 2022 Budget

And, Consumable must be 2022 Approved Budget.


0 Kudos

Dear Shinas,

Yes, FMJ2 was already done at start of current fiscal year for 531,200. Budget report data is reflecting normal as you suggested.