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BPC Report performance problem: How to debug Remote Calls

0 Kudos

Hello there,

I have the same problem as in these questions (bad performance), but the cause seems to be a different function in EPM addin, on my case: AxisQueryStreamEx & remote call:

A simple report takes too much time to load: on Server side there seems to be no problem (it seems to be acceptably fast)

a part of EPM Add-in log is as follows:

(date 2019-05-27)
11:06:58,812|TRACE|Performance|FPMXLClient.BPCProxy.MetaData_Data.DataServiceHelper.AxisQueryStreamEx|USERNAME|||||1|Method [AxisQueryStreamEx] start, parameters:(..)

11:06:58,812|DEBUG|Performance|?.?|USERNAME|||||1|Remote call [http://<SERVERURL>:8000/sap/bpc/query/<APPNAME>?method=axis] start#

11:07:46,061|DEBUG|Performance|?.?|USERNAME|||||1|Remote call [http://<SERVERURL>:8000/sap/bpc/query/<APPNAME>?method=axis] end, duration = 47.249 s#

11:07:46,061|TRACE|Performance|FPMXLClient.BPCProxy.MetaData_Data.DataServiceHelper.AxisQueryStreamEx|USERNAME|||||1|Method [AxisQueryStreamEx] end, duration = 47.249 s#

How can I debug the remote call (or if I can do it at all) - Do you have any ideas on how to tackle this issue?

Thanks in advance!

Active Contributor

Can you show report screenshot and provide some info about the model?

Also you need to create simplified report sample with the issue presented.

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Answers (2)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I've seen this, but it seems I must read this line by line. It might help pinpoint where our issues are. Let me take a look.

Thanks Vadim!

Active Contributor
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To my mind it's better to start with report itself!

0 Kudos

the report is something like this - no expansions (all rows static), columns are connected to variables (see the green part in the image below). Not a complex input form/or anything out of ordinary.

here's a simple blueprint, to give an idea


I'll write here anyway if i find a concrete result. Thank you!

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


Sorry, but nothing is visible (low resolution)!

And there is no explanation...

I am unable to help you with this info!

0 Kudos

vadim.kalinin I blurred out some of the info, next time i will create a sample case and give proper details as it should've been from the beginning. Thank you!