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Automatic non-linear spreading of revenue

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I have a situation where I want to distribute my value in a non linear way throughout the periods, more in the beginning, less in the end and it has no relation to the number of days in each period.

I have looked at the BADI for the automatic spreading (FARR_BADI_DEFERRAL_METHOD_V2) and it seems to rely of the number of days in a period to know how to distribute the value. If all the value is to be assigned to period 1 for example, period 1 gets 1 day and the others get 0.

So questions:

1) Is there a way to do this that is less "clunky" and doesn't rely of manipulating the number of days in a period? I know the values upfront that i want to recognize i don't need SAP to calculate anything.

2) Can I say a period has 1300 days (if that's the proportion i need) or does it check if its a valid number of days for the period?

3) Manual spreading seems more in line with what i want, but does it have an API/Badi?


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Hi Joao,

The second option to specify any days in a period is possible in the customer BADI implementation.

The RAR engine actually doesn't check how many the total days are and how many days there are in each period.

You just need to take one important consideration, when you have an inter-period contract modification, for example, a contract modification is effective since 10th July, your BADI implementation must then define: What is the value up to 9th July and what will be the value from 10th July.

Best Regards


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