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SAP Profitability and Performance Management 3.0 is about to release Support Package 19 to provide additional enhancements which can also be found in the official site: What’s new section – SP19 Support Package section under PaPM’s Help Portal.

Now, let me share with you what we have for this round.

Performance Improvements

During the execution of a PaPM function, several HANA plan cache entries for individual statements can be created, which potentially, will never be used again in any subsequent run.

For example, this is the case for those statements where the dynamic package selections are applied using the HANA function APPLY_FILTER(). Storing of HANA plan cache entries which will never be reused has negative impact on the performance.

In a nutshell, the enhanced logic inside the HANA stored procedure aims for:

  • Needless searching for an entry which does not exist

  • Needless storing of the created entry into plan cache memory as it will not be reused in any subsequent run

  • Needless flooding of the HANA plan cache memory

The enhanced logic to meet these expectations is covered by SAP Note 3227518.

Modeling Environment

Added validations during Environment creation

New validations during the creation of environments is now available via SAP Note 3224180 which enforces the length of environment and version fields to 3 and 4 respectively hence, avoiding name collisions in the generated objects of the function.

For instance, Environment: EN Version: VV1 and Environment: ENV Version: V1 without the validation would generate the same function table.

Added validations for Environment fields

New data length validations is now available for environment fields during Save in accordance with the ABAP Dictionary Rules.

In order to benefit from this process, the functionality of  /NXI/P1_CLEANUP_CONFIG_DATA was enhanced in the following way such that:

  • The data length validations are performed for all the environment fields of a chosen environment.

  • For the fixed length data types (INT, DATS, TIMS, CUKY), the data length will be automatically adjusted to the correct value and the modeler will be informed.

  • For the data types which allow a range of possible data lengths, the modeler will be instructed to perform the adjustment manually.

In addition, when creating a new environment field which has a fixed length data type, the data length will be automatically filled, in order to help the modeler with the choice of the correct value.

For more information, see SAP note 3236165.

Creation of Environment InfoObjects is further enhanced

When creating an Environment InfoObject paired with a BW InfoObject which already exists, PaPM now prompts the modeler to use a new one therefore, preserves the existing BW InfoObject and further avoids possible inconsistencies.

File Adapter (Import)

A new checkbox Fail on Invalid Data has been introduced in the function Header UI to guide the modeler further and help manage the expectations during file import.

During Run:

  • If Fail on Invalid Data is checked in the header of the function, exceptions as they occur will be displayed during run time.

  • If Fail on Invalid Data is unchecked and no exceptions do occur during run time, a message will inform the user that a log file has been created in case the displayed data/behavior is not as expected.

Sample Content

The following new standalone sample content is available in SAP Profitability and Performance Management 3.0 SP19:

Sample Content ID Version
Energy Transition Management towards Net-Zero SXY 1

Updated versions of the following standalone sample content are available:

Sample Content ID Version
Allocation Hub SXH 5
Corporate Sustainability Management SXD 3
Demand-Pull Costing Management SXX 2
EU Taxonomy Management SXU 2
Financing and Investment Sustainability Management SXV 8
Insurance Profitability and Cost Management SFI 7
Liquidity Management powered by Process Mining SXL 5
OECD BEPS 2.0 Tax Calculation and Reporting SXE 2
Process Mining on S/4 HANA - Accounts Payable SXM AP08
Process Mining on S/4 HANA - Accounts Receivable SXM AR07
Process Mining on S/4 HANA - Claims Management SXM CM06
Process Mining on S/4 HANA - Credit Application SXM CA03
Process Mining on S/4 HANA - Order to Cash SXM OC07
Process Mining on S/4 HANA - Production Planning SXM PR07
Process Mining on S/4 HANA - Purchase to Pay SXM PP08
Process Mining on S/4 HANA - Utilities Management SXM UT04
Process Mining on S/4 HANA - Warehouse Management SXM WM06
Product Quality and Sustainability Management SDP 2
Sustainability Impact Measurement and Valuation SXW 2
Tax Calculation and Reporting SXT 10

I encourage you to patch to the latest SP release to get the most out of these enhancements and new/improved sample contents.

Thanks a lot for your time. Cheers!