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Welcome to this new blog post about Price Calculation’s new features!

From better lookup tables management to user experience improvements, today we will have a look on the main new features which were delivered in summer 2022:


As a central place to manage prices, lookup tables can become very big as a business grows: previously, a user would have had to edit the full lookup table document to make a change on one of the prices contained in it.

For this reason, we now enable to import only part of a lookup tables via our user interface. A user can now work and import only selected lines. The lines are merged among the existing content in the lookup table.

Lookup tables - different import modes


In SAP Subscription Billing, it is possible to grant different authorisations to access certain types of content based on the “market” object. This feature answers the need of companies to segregate for security reasons the access to information between their different group of users, for example to enable some users to access market A but not market B.

As lookup tables contain market-based information (e.g., different prices applied to different markets), we extended this concept in Price Calculation, to strengthen our integration with SAP Subscription Billing.

Price Calculation enables now to define such authorisation rules, resulting in users being able to see and modify lines in the lookup tables associated only to a “market ID” to which they are authorised to access. The lines containing information related to a market which they cannot access are not shown.

If no rule is applied to a user, then this user can see and modify data for all markets.


Safer entity deletion

Previously, it was impossible to delete an object which was referenced by an active entity, for example a field which was used in an active lookup table. However, it was possible to delete an object referenced by a draft entity, which could lead to problems in case of parallel work.

To make safer the deletion of an object, we changed this logic to forbid the deletion of objects which are referenced in a draft. This affects:

  • Fields referenced in draft lookup tables

  • Fields and lookup tables referenced in draft price element specifications

  • Price element specifications referenced in draft pricing schemes.

Alphabetical sorting in list reports

Following helpful users’ feedback, we introduced an alphabetical sorting as default sorting order on our lists of objects, so that users can easily find their objects.

Affected apps are: Manage Lookup Table Data, Manage Field Catalog, Manage Lookup Tables, Manage Pricing Schemes and, Manage Price Element Specifications.

The draft objects still appear at the top of the list.

Enhanced filtering experience

Following users’ feedback, we also corrected the filtering behaviour of our apps: previously case-sensitive, users can now filter for values independently of case.

That’s all for today, thank you for reading our blog post! And stay tuned for the next one.

To make sure you don’t miss it, follow the tag Price Calculation. And in the meantime, you can find out more about our solution in the information section below.

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In case of questions, feel free to ask them in our Q&A section using the tag Price Calculation.

Cloudily yours,


PM @ Price Calculation