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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi and welcome back,

in the last blog i explain how to implement the building blocks of SAP API Management.

In this follow-on blog I will explain how to use APIs for an integration of SAP Subscription Billing with SAP API-Management. Furthermore, I point out how to generate the necessary business objects in SAP Subscription Billing and finally I describe how service usage settlement could be done.

Implementation Steps

Manage Product and Customer Master

In this building block you act as an API-Provider, so you must manually perform the following steps in SAP Subscription Billing otherwise you can use REST API's of Subscription Billing.

The first thing to do is to  define a Market and then create a Product Master for the service usage as the foundation for the Subscription Management.

Navigate to the business configuration tab and choose Markets.

Figure: Define Market

Next, define a unit of measure in the business configuration tab. Now you can create an usage-based Rate Element for the necessary Product Master.

Figure: Define usage-based Rate Element

To update the Business Configuration, that means Market(s), Units of measure and Rate Element(s) in SAP Subscription you can use the REST API to update the Business Configuration in SAP Subscription Billing.

After you finished  the Business Configuration, you have to create a Rate Plan Template, which is similar to the Rate Plan you create in SAP API-Management.

Figure: Define rate plan template

Make sure, that you published the Rate Plan Template before you move forward.

To create the Rate Plan Template in SAP Subscription Billing you can use the REST API to create a Rate Plan Template in SAP Subscription Billing.

At least, you are now able to create the Product Master. First you define the relevant attributes.

Figure: Define Product Master

Next create a Rate Plan for this Product Master.

Figure: Assign Market and Rate Plan Template

Then assign the Technical Resource ID to this Product Master.

Figure: Assign Technical Resource ID

Now define the Subscription Terms for this Product Master.

Figure: Define Subscription Terms

Don't forget to publish this Product Master, because otherwise you cannot use it for creating a subscription.

If you want to use API's first create a Rate Plan by using the REST API to create a Rate Plan in SAP Subscription Billing. Afterwards create the Product Master in SAP Subscription by using REST API to create Product Master in SAP Subscription Billing.

Before you can create a Subscription, you have to create a Customer Master for the API-Developer.

Figure: Define Customer Master

Make sure, that you assign the Market to the Customer Master.

To manage Customer Master in SAP Subscription Billing you can use the REST API to create Business Partner in SAP Subscription Billing.

This is now the basis, for managing Subscription(s) in SAP Subscription Billing. Finally, you have to maintain the following Key Value Maps in SAP API-Management.

Figure: Define Key Value Maps

In the Key Value Map APIM_SB_MAPPING_KVM you have to assign the Application-ID from SAP API-Management to the Rate Plan ID (Metric ID) and the Technical Resource ID of the Subscription from SAP Subscription Billing.

In the Key Value Map APIM_SB_ACCOUNT_DETAILS you provide the URL and credentials for SAP API-Management and SAP Subscription Billing.

That's all for now, in the next blog i explain how to consume our service (API) and process the billing and invoice processing.

Thanks for joining this blog.

This blog is part of a blogs series. Please find the other blog(s) here:

Use-Case: Monetization of digital services Part 1

Subscription Management – A Blog Series