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Have you even encounter the issue that the description of the dimension after running UJA_REFRESH_DIM_CACHE? And this is most likely happens to the environment that you use UJBR to restore. Also, this only happens to BPC 10.0 SP12(800 SP12 or 801 SP05), BPC 10.1 SP01 or after applying note 1935532.

The reason is that UJBR only restores the descpriton of BPC cacahe table without restoring it into BW text table. That's why after you run UJA_REFRESH_DIM_CACHE, the description is gone as UJA_REFRESH_DIM_CACHE recreates the cache table according to the BW text table.

So what's the solution? The issue can be fixed by applying note 1984113.

Best Regards,
