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SAP Transaction Banking for SAP S/4 HANA 1.0 FPS03 on Cloud Appliance Library

If you are looking for a trial to make yourself familiar with the latest capabilities and features of SAP Transactional Banking for SAP S/4 HANA, check out the new Transactional Banking running on the SAP Cloud Appliance Library (CAL).

CAL provides pre-configured and ready-to-use SAP solutions that can run in your own public cloud accounts from Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud Platform. For product information and an access to all solutions, see this link.

So, what’s in the solution?

The solution comprises the following products:

  • SAP Transactional Banking for SAP S/4HANA 1.0 FPS03 incl. SAP HANA 2.0 Rev46.

  • SAP NetWeaver 7.50 application server JAVA with installed Adobe Document Services.

  • Optional: Microsoft Windows Server 2016 (as remote desktop) for easy frontend access.


The following sample/demo scenarios are provided:

  • Deposits Management and Master Contract Management

You can use this business scenario to manage all processes needed for managing deposit accounts during their life cycle.


The key capabilities of the business scenario can be summarized as follows:

  • Deposit account creation and maintenance

  • Deposit account-specific conditions and flexible rules for the calculation of charges and interests

  • Business operations for deposit accounts (account holder change, time deposit early withdrawals, etc.)

  • Managing of incoming payments (credits as well as debits) including all required material checks and post processing options

  • Managing of periodic processes for deposit account (settlement, bank statement, etc.)

  • Managing account hierarchies for the purpose of cross account services (interest compensation, cash pooling, facility limits, etc.)


  • Loans Management

You can use this business process to manage different kind of loan accounts through the servicing lifecycle.


The key capabilities of the business scenario can be summarized as follows:

  • Loan account creation and maintenance

  • Loan-specific conditions and calculation of charges & interest

  • Management of receivables using Billing

  • Receivable Numbering

  • Incoming payment processing and distribution based on flexible payment distribution rules

  • Business operations for managing a loan throughout its servicing lifecycle

    • Disbursement Rescission and cancellation

    • Payment plan change

    • Skip

    • Extension

    • Prolongation

    • Manual waiver

    • Deferral

    • Capitalization

    • Borrower change

    • Full and partial payoff

    • Account closure

  • Automated initiation of direct debits (SEPA/ non SEPA) for billed receivables


  • Intelligent Account Finder

Intelligent Account Finder for Payments (IAF) proposes potential target accounts for incoming payments without valid account identification. This Machine Learning (ML) service compares specific attributes of the incoming payment with productive customer accounts and its related data. It calculates a similarity which indicates the confidence referring to the proposed target account(s). The IAF is integrated to the Posting Control Office (PCO).


How to get started?

The provided solution runs on either platform provider Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud Platform, so you can select the hyperscaler of your choice.

Once you have created an own instance from the solution, have activated it. The appliance can be accessed via a preconfigured Windows remote desktop (option 1) or via client tools on your local PC (option 2). For first steps with the appliance, we recommend access via the remote desktop.

The solution landscape and components can be accesses in three ways

  • Fiori UI5 via browser (best: Chromium-based such as Chrome or the new Edge). This is the preferred/normal access by business users for business process execution

  • SAP GUI / SAP Logon This method is normally restricted to technical users.

  • Remote Desktop access to the Frontend Server.

The template configuration for the Fiori launchpad has three tile groups, which are:

  • Deposits Management

  • Loans Management

  • Payment Transaction Management

Each of these groups contains tiles, which are either ‘representing’ Fiori apps or visual harmonized backend transactions.

For demo purposes, different types of accounts with sample master and transaction data have been set-up in the system.

Sample data is also set up for accessing scenarios in SAP GUI Ex: Accounts, Orders.



To summarize, SAP Transaction Banking for SAP S/4 HANA 1.0 FPS03 now available on Cloud Application Library. Just create an instance of the CAL solution and explore the different features like Deposits Management, Loans Management and Payment Transaction Management of Transactional Banking, As the instance will have demo data it can used right away for Training or Customer Demo.