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In addition to the existing features that users already benefit from, SAP Profitability and Performance Management continues to innovate for better user experience. By the end of this year, a new support package (SP16) will showcase these enhancements.

Should you want to revisit the latest enhancement and improvements in Visual Modeler before this blog which I will share to you,  you may check out this blogpost.

Moving on, allow me to provide information on the new enhancements and features that are made available for the first Visual Modeler Note of SP16 3094050 - FS-PER Rel. 3.0 SP16: Visual Modeler Screens enhancements and fixes (01)

  • Top N Values for Series

Previously, data could only be sorted by No ordering, Ascending, or Descending. Users can see all the data that is sorted out. But how about if the user wants to show only the top 5? That’s when the new "Top N" function will be a big help.

    • Sorting is no longer necessary for “Top N” feature to work. Applying a Top N limit (e.g. Top 5) will show the top 5 highest data entries if no sorting (ascending or descending) is applied.

But if user wants to sort the Top N by ascending or descending this will still work.

    • Ascending

    • Descending

      This feature also works for the following chart types:

      • Stacked Bar/Column

      • Area

      • Line

  • Discard Option in Layout Variants

Once the layout has been changed in the Visualize screen and the user has decided not to proceed with the layout, the user can undo the modification by clicking on the "Discard changes" button in the layout variants.

  • Loading icon when refreshing screen application

When data is being refreshed through app refresh button there is no indication if something happened. In this SAP note, Loading icon is now visible indicating that the refresh has started and finished.

  • Pivot Table

Users can now enjoy the new feature of adding a Pivot table in Sheet chart type in Visualize.

Modeling Screen (Read-only)

  • File Adapter Export Type is now introduced.

  • Configuration settings of Machine Learning has now been improved.

  • Remote function sales and distribution rules and signature nodes are now visually available.

  • Function IDs and constants validation in formula Editor has been enhanced.

Previously the function IDs and constants that are used in the formula are considered as fields or parameters and are displayed in the warning. On these enhancements they are no longer considered as fields or parameters.

Process Management Screen (Read-only)

  • Process Activities State Change has been enhanced

Process Activities from NEO UI are now in sync with Classic UI.

Visualize Screen/Report Management Screen (Editable)

Several enhancements under visualize screen / report management screen were performed for:

  • Story Filters functionality in Report Management.
    The user can now add the value selection in the Story Filter fields and automatically display the output in the diagram.

  • Numeric Point Chart
    Some features of this type of graph are not yet improved over the previous support package, but now on this SAP note, the user can now take advantage of these enhancement features.

    • Changing the fields Aggregation

    • Modifying the chart styling like the diagram background, showing the label, direction of the label and font of the label.

  • Sunburst Map Drilldown
    As part of the enhancement for this chart type, drilldown is not possible if there are no fields defined in Drilldown Field Selection. Drilldown can only be possible if there’s fields define.

  • Deletion and Renaming of Layout Variants
    Previously renaming of layout variant is not reflecting causing duplication of layout name, with the enhancement for this SAP note this duplication is now eliminated.

    • First image 1 shows the two-layout name that are originally added

    • Second image 2 shows the Layout Variant 1 is deleted and Layout Variant 2 is renamed to Layout Variant 3

    • The third image shows new layout variant is added using the previous layout variant name.

  • Annotation’s functionality
    If the Annotation checkbox is selected, the user can add, alter, or delete annotations after they have been created in the graph. However, if the Annotation is unchecked, it remains visible but cannot be changed or deleted.

  • Chart type selection

    Enhancement made when selecting chart type to avoid issues.

  • Utilization of background image in Visualize Screen

  • Label and Legend for Heat Map Chart.

  • Visual improvement for Image removes button.
    Removing background image is now made easy by clicking the remove button.

  • Text for page refresh pop up dialog.

    Finally, as part of this SAP note enhancement, if user accidentally clicked the refresh button, a pop-up message appears to confirm what action will be taken for the changes made.

There you have it! I hope I was able to provide you something to look forward to of what is to come which users can enjoy once the newest Visual Modeler SAP Note is available. Thank you for your time in reading this blogpost.