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A few months ago, SAP Profitability and Performance Management 3.0 successfully released support package (SP14) and users are already enjoying the new and exciting features. Since SAP Profitability and Performance Management is inclined to provide constant improvement and development, there will be a new support package (SP15) that will be released next month and offer new features and enhancements.

In this blogpost, allow me to provide more information on what is included in the first and second SP15 Visual Modeler SAP Note that was released just a few days after.

Visualize Screen/Report Management Screen (Editable)

  • Alignment of Images and Tables

One of the enhancements added is to provide different options for Alignment of Images and Table.  For Images, user can use the following alignments:

Right aligned

Full size

Left aligned

While for tables, users can now choose between the following options:

Left alignment

Center alignment

Right alignment

  • Enhancement of Table captions

In relation to above, users can also define a title or caption of a table.

  • Import dialog title description

As part of the enhancement, when a user imports an excel file, a popup window appears with a ‘Designer’ as title description.

  • Nested tables and block quotes

Another feature added is creating a table inside another table or nested tables.

While block quotes allow user to easily include block quotations or pull quotes in the rich-text content by copying and pasting content with nested block quotes or use drag and drop mechanism by selecting an existing block quote and drag it into another.

  • Improve style for the Layout Variant button when header is minimized

Previously, when user minimize the header, Layout button looks different than other header buttons. As one of the enhancements, Layout variant button is already identical to other headers when minimized.

  • Improve Sankey chart tooltip

There was also an improvement related to Sankey Chart tooltip wherein it displays node and link weights. Weights are calculated as: sum(absolute(value)) for each data entry.

Comparison Screen

  • Data enhancement display

Another enhancement is using the correct data and supports huge amount of data in Comparison screen.

  • Enhancement when searching text

Lastly, it is also now possible to search a text in Comparison screen without delays.

Several fixes were also included in this note to solve issues such as:

Modeling Screen (Read-only)

  • Historizing Environment shows floating zeroes in footer console

During the development phase, when a user histories environment, floating zeroes shows in the footer console.

This note fixes this issue and can no longer encountered when historizing an environment.

  • Property Panel issues for Process Template of Old/existing Environments


    1. Changing selection from one process template to another, retains the details of previously selected process template.

2. Property Panel is not visible for newly Created process template of old / exisiting environments.


    1. Changing selection from one process template to another already shows the correct details

2. Property panel of newly created process instance for old / existing environments is already visible.

  • Unable to activate Indirect Allocation with Selection in Sender Subview

After fixing this issue, user can now activate Indirect Allocation with selection in Sender Subview.

  • Visualize button will only be enabled for Queries with type Environment CDS to avoid crashes on Visualize Screen

While for other Query types like Environment, AfO and BW, Visualize button is disabled.

Process Management (Read-only)

  • Group set for an Activity is shown even if there is no current Group assigned from Properties Panel

Another issue encountered is when no Group is assigned under Reviewer in the Properties Panel, but the diagram shows a certain Group for an Activity.

In this note, It will also resolve the issue the Performer / Reviewer Group for an activity in the diagram is already align to what is configured in the Properties Panel.

  • Tooltip is not updating when completing a Process Activity.

After implementing this note, the tooltip automatically reflects the completed process activity.

  • Default Value for activity state of Process Instance is always empty

This note fixes this issue wherein the Activity State is filled with value and not empty.

Comparison Screen

  • Overlapping texts appears in the downloaded PDF

Side by side:


This issue is also resolved in this note and after downloading PDF in Comparison screen, texts are not overlapping in the file.

Side by side:


  • Comparison screen crash the browser in attempts to open certain environment history version

This is also fixed in this note wherein user can display every environment history version.

  • The Visualize button will only be enabled for Process Activities with the Environment CDS type to prevent crashes on Visualize Screen

While for other Process Activities with Query types like Environment, AfO and BW, Visualize button is disabled.

Visualize Screen/Report Management Screen (Editable)

  • Saving issue on Chart type: Process

Another issue encountered is when a user makes any changes for the chart type: Process and after saving, it produces an error message in the console.

After fixing this issue, user can now successfully save changes in Chart type: Process.

  • Chart Order is not retained after Refresh even after successful Save

After fixing this issue, Order in Chart retains after successful Save and browser Refresh.

  • Multiselect dropdown does not appear properly

This is also fixed in this note and the multiselect dropdown section shows properly and display the Fields selected.

  • Geomap charts not loading

Previously, the Geomap / Region charts are not loading in the Report Management and in standalone visualize.

This note fixes this issue and the Geomap charts / Regions is loading in Report Management and Standalone Visualize screen.

  • Drag and drop functionality does not work in Report Management

Implementing this note also fixes this issue and user can use the drag and drop functionality.

  • Report Element disappears after deleting another report element

This note fixes this issue and able to remove successfully without compromising other report elements.

  • Error when Simulating the Report

There was an issue that results to ‘Report Simulation: SyntaxError - Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0’ when the given JS script is added in Simulation/Code Editor.

var adjustAUTO = function (output, param) {
for (var outputRow of output) {
//if (outputRow.SCEN === 'Forecast') {
outputRow.KF_AMT = outputRow.KF_AMT*((100 + param) / 100);
outputRow.KF_QTY = outputRow.KF_QTY*((100 + param) / 100);

// Init with base scenario data
scope.RMB01 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(scope.CDS1));

if (scope.I_PER != 0.0) {
adjustAUTO(scope.RMB01, scope.I_PER);

Implementing this note fixes this issue and can successfully simulate the report.

  • Unable to delete contents of a report tab

There was an issue in deleting the contents of the report tab which does not deletes even after a successful message in the console. In this note, this issue was also fixed.

  • Report Management Palette visually disabled/greys out elements which are not Environment CDS Query type.

Lastly, once this note is implemented, it is only possible to drag and drop report elements that equates to Environment CDS Query into the report management diagram

Those are the new enhancements and fixed included once implemented the newest Visual Modeler SAP Note. Thank you for your time reading this blog post! Stay tuned for the next Visual Modeler SAP note.