At the end of Q1 2022, SAP Profitability and Performance Management 3.0 has released and introduced Support Package SP17 to our users. If you are curious about the overview of the new functionalities and enhancements offered, I highly suggest to visit the blog post
SAP Profitability and Performance Management 3.0 Support Package 17 .
While moving back to one of the most recent features mentioned in our previous Visual Modeler blogpost
SAP Profitability and Performance Management 3.0: What’s inside Visual Modeler SP17 SAP note 3127975 , it is the introduction of NEO UI (Visual Modeler) Screens – Environment, Modeling and Process Management from read-only version to
Editable. This allows users to freely create and configure scenarios in NEO UI (Visual Modeler) just like the Expert UI version.
With this, walk with me as I lay down the newest information on the new enhancements and features that are made available for the first Visual Modeler SAP Note –
FS-PER Rel. 3.0 SP18: Visual Modeler Screens enhancements and fixes (01).
Modeling Screen
- File Adapter Export function is improved to reflect the Input Node section for configuration purposes.

- One of the improvements included in this SAP Note is the duplication of primary key for added fields in Model Table. When a user creates a Key figure with unit field, each field can be separately removed / added once in the Model table.

- The Activate and Show buttons of an Editable Query has also been improved in this SAP Note. These buttons are now disabled if an Editable Query is using a Processing function as Input to avoid confusion for the users.

- Initially, date picker is used if a DATS field is used in a Model table. On this note enhancement, the date picker is extended to be used in the Fix selection section of Query function to easily choose custom dates

- Previously, the message logs expanded when scrolling down the properties panel. On this enhancement, collapsed message is maintained even when scrolling down the properties panel.

- Another improvement in this SAP note is the visibility of labels in a collapsed Header of Modeling and Processing screen, wherein Undo and Redo buttons are still available even after collapsing the header.

- Users can also enjoy the enhancement of indentation for created bulleted and numbered list in the documentation section of functions .

Environment Screen
- Previously, users can copy an environment even though they chose to create a new environment instead of selecting Environment From. On this enhancement, users can create a new environment by simply choosing Environment in the Header of Environment Screen.

Process Management Screen
- Another enhancement in this SAP note is exhibited when user adds a selection for a certain Process template. Now, the changes in a specific Process Template will not affect other Process Template within the environment.

- The availability of Initialize process button has also been improved to ensure it is disabled if there is no created / existing process instance in the Process Management screen.

- Additional enhancement is related to the URL activity created in the Modeling screen. Once a user creates URL Activity, it can be launched in the Process Management screen by hovering and selecting the URL of the activity.

Visualize/Report Management Screen
- This SAP Note also allows user to load data sheet properly and seamlessly edit then save any changes for Sheet Chart type.

- This SAP Note also allows users to access the Report Management screen of an existing environment with available reports even after not saving a newly created environment or node in the Environment screen.

On top of these enhancements and improvements, the note also introduces the following features:
Modeling Screen
- Once user drags an element that is out of place / area, it will be greyed out and non-droppable. For example, a user wants to create a parameter field by dragging and dropping to parameters node then it means the element is in the correct area / node.

However, if user wants to drag and drop it on Business Events Field node, it is noticeable that the element is greyed out, indicating that the element is not in the correct area / node and the action is not possible.

Visualize/Report Management Screen
- As one of the newest added features in this note, Users can enjoy selecting filters, not only for all report pages but also for individual report tabs in Report Management. This is called Page Filters.

- And lastly, Table sheet for Sheet Chart type has also been introduced in this SAP Note to offer users a fast, data-bound table view with grid-like behavior and a spreadsheet user interface.

You can try all the newest enhancements and features once this SAP Note is implemented in your system.
Thank you for reading this blog post and until our next update once a new Visual Modeler SAP Note is available!