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Product and Topic Expert
Hello fellow SAP Community members!

As we welcome the start of the new year, SAP Profitability and Performance Management Cloud (SAP PaPM Cloud) wishes to continuously release new features and enhancements for its users. To always be in the loop for more exciting news, you can check the tag PaPMCloudWhatsNew.

One of the most used application currently offered by SAP Profitability and Performance Management Cloud (SAP PaPM Cloud) is the Content Network. As an overview, the Content Network application is focused on exporting and importing environments from one tenant to another.

In this blogpost, I am thrilled to discuss with you the enhancements for the new application which is called Content Management. Please note that the functionality of export, download, upload, and import of content remains the same in the new Content Management screen.

Note: This blog post contains images. In case the images are too small, kindly click on the image to view with a better resolution.

Content Management Screen

Upon accessing the Content Management Screen, users will see the fresh new user interface that displays the list of the contents that are currently uploaded and exported to the application with the following information:

  • Name

  • Content Description

  • Source Environment

  • Source Version

  • Size (MB)

  • Source Event

  • Creation Date

The user also has the option to know more information about the listed contents by enabling the following columns in the Columns panel:

  • Created By

  • Exported Date

  • Globally Unique ID

  • Last Modified Date

  • Last Modified By

  • Last Scanned Date

Exporting Content

In the Content Management Screen, the user can export an environment in the form of a ZIP file which can be used later for download. Users can export the environment by choosing the Export button in the header and upon doing so, the Export dialog would then be displayed wherein an environment can be selected for export.

After successful export, the content will be listed on top of the list in the Content Management Screen.

Downloading Content

Existing content listed in the Content Management Screen can also be downloaded. User should select first the content to be downloaded which will enable the Download button in the header. Once the button is chosen, the download will be triggered, and content will be downloaded in the form of a ZIP file.

Uploading Content

Users can upload content in the form of a ZIP file (with a maximum limit of up to 400mb) in the Content Management screen by choosing the Upload button in the header. Then, locate the desired ZIP file to be uploaded. After successful upload, the content will be listed on top of the list in the Content Management Screen.

In case a ZIP file chosen for upload already exists in the Content Management screen, the user would be prompted with a message in the message logs.

The same information will also be logged in the Application Monitor that the chosen content package for upload already exists.

Importing Content

To import content from the Content Management Screen to the tenant, users can select desired content listed in the application and choose the Import button.

The Import dialog would then be displayed for user to specify the following information necessary for the import process:

a. Environment – text field to define Environment ID
b. Environment (Version) – text field to define Environment Version.
c. Activate Environment – dropdown which allows user to choose an option with regards to activation during the import process:

      • No – if this option is chosen, only the Model Tables will be activated within the environment during import. This option is chosen by default.

      • Yes – if this option is chosen, all functions within the environment will be activated during import.

d. Overwrite Environment – dropdown which allows user to choose the option to overwrite an existing environment in the tenant. This will be enabled if there is an already existing environment with the defined combination of Environment ID and Version. Otherwise, this option will be disabled.

      • No – this option is chosen by default. If this option is chosen and the defined combination of Environment ID and Version already exists, user would be prompted to either: (1) change the defined Environment ID and Version to be imported, or (2) choose to overwrite the existing environment to proceed.

      • Yes – if this option is chosen, the existing environment in the tenant with the same defined combination of Environment ID and Version will be overwritten.

Edit Description of Content

Users can edit the description of content listed in the Content Management Screen by selecting the content that needs its description to be updated which will enable the Edit button in the header. Once button is chosen, the Edit dialog will appear which will allow user to edit the description of the selected content.

Incremental searching for Content

Users can search for contents listed in the new Content Management Screen in the Search box in the header. When user inputs text in the Search box, matching results would be displayed immediately.

That's it! This concludes my blogpost about the new Content Management screen.

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See you again on the next one and happy new year!