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SAP Fraud Management provides Mass Dection (across all data stored) and Online Detection (for realtime specific transations) running through the Fraud Management Detection process.


In online fraud detection, an external application calls SAP Fraud Management via a Web service. In practice, this means that you have integrated a call to SAP Fraud Management for online detection into a business process in the external application.


For example, an Organization wants to avoid Fraud in its purchases and payments even before they happen-: SAP Fraud Management provides ONLINE detection feature which exactly fits the requirement. SAP ACS comes with certain rules which can be implemented based on the requirement and avoids fraud from happening in the first case. This means that SAP Fraud Management can be integrated into your business processes on a “while you wait” basis, without disrupting the business process flow.


In addition to the standard Duplicate Invoice Scenario (provided in the example below), the real value is where you can combine multiple detection methods to provide advanced detection across vendors. As part of this detection we could also perform realtime checks on additional criteria of the vendor - such as Country is in a high risk region or purchase order / invoice differences across previous payments. This will assist in providing a stronger calibration of detection methods to ensure that the Investigators are spending their time on valid Compliance issues not False Positives.

------ Below is the real time scenario of ONLINE detection for detecting fraud in PO’s and blocking payment --------

Condition:  Block payment for a duplicate Invoice with same amount.


Phase 1 - On ECC System

  1. Create a Purchase Order (ME21N)

  2. Raise Good Receipt for the above PO (MIGO)

  3. Raise Vendor Invoice (MIRO) for the same

Input 'Amount' and SIMULATE & POST

Phase 2 - Create Duplicate Invoice for Same Purchase Order


Now we have created a "Duplicate Invoice"

Phase 3 - Verify ALERT on the Fraud Console

Launch Fraud Management Console of SAP Fraud System


Open "All Alerts"

Opening specific Alert

Navigating from SAP Fraud Management Application directly into SAP ECC:

We can see the payment block for the VENDOR

Closing the ALERT and Releasing the VENDOR

Entering extra details to help with the Detection Strategy Calibration:

Saving and Closing the Alert, provides the following Vendor information (Vendor Block is cleared):

Allowing the Vendor to be paid. Thus completing an Online detection Alert process for an individual Vendor.

Recogition also to Rv rbali for bringing this together technically.

The next blog will cover how this was done technically.