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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Welcome back to our blog series about new features in SAP Subscription Billing! Today’s blog is a bit special as it is our last one before winter vacations and the new year! So let’s finish this year together on a good note and take a look at what’s new in our last delivery:

New filtering options in the Customers app

In the Customers app, on the Subscriptions and Bills tabs, new filter bars are available. You can change the filters that are displayed by default to adjust them to your needs.

For the Subscriptions tab, the default filters are: Product, Status, Created Between, and Expires Between.

Subscriptions tab filters

For the Bills tab, the default filters are: Bill Status, Transfer Status, Billing Date Between, and Bill Split Element.

Bills tab filters

Improved search in the Rate Plans app

In the Rate Plans app, the search for rate plan templates has been improved. You can now open a search dialog and search for existing rate plan templates by ID, description, or tag.

Rate plan templates search

It opens a value help you can use to search for your rate plan templates, like below:

Value help for better search

Improved search in the Products API

In the products API, the query parameter "ratePlanId" has been added to the endpoint "/products/search" (GET). You can use this parameter to search a product by rate plan ID.

New bill status during closing

Bills now have the status Closing during the short time when the final processing steps are taking place to ensure the completeness of the bills. This new status is also visible on the UI so that you have full transparency about this transition phase between an “open” and “closed” bill.

Thank you for reading today’s blog!

To not miss the next feature blogs in the new year, don’t forget to follow the tag SAP Subscription Billing. And in the meantime, you can find out more about our solution in the information section below.

Also: please like this post if you found it useful, and don’t hesitate to leave us your feedback in the comment section.

In case of questions, feel free to ask them in our Q&A section, using the tag SAP Subscription Billing.

And on behalf of the Subscription Billing teams, I would like to wish you a peaceful end of the year, happy holidays, and a very good start to the new year!

Stay tuned, and stay safe !


More information about SAP Subscription Billing