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This field bring a lot of questions and I would like to clarify a bit more of what is this field for, comment on some common reported issues and list the related notes to this topic.
The field material origin indicates if the goods were produced in Brazil or, abroad and imported. The material origin can be:
0 National - except indicated for codes 3, 4, 5, or 8
1 Foreign - imported directly
2 Foreign - acquired nationally
3 National - merchandise or asset with import content is over than 40%
4 National - when the production is according to Decree-law 288/67, and laws 8.248/91, 8.387/91, 10.176/01 and 11.484/07
5 National - with import content less than or equal to 40%
6 Foreign - imported directly, no similar national, listed in “Resolução CAMEX”
7 Foreign - acquired nationally, no similar national, listed in “Resolução CAMEX”
8 National - with import content over 70%
Common Reported Issues:
Material origin will be CLOSED on MIRO.
Material origin will be CLOSED if you use the solution of split valuation.
If you have a scenario of service, where the item category is ‘D’, the Brazil tab will not appear in PO, thus material origin will not appear as well.
In STO scenario, the inbound goods receipt shows error 8B198 stating that material origin is blank. The outbound was posted in a previous year. Check if you have notes: 2553555, 2444943, 2383291, 2372494, 2329708 & 2227107.
SAP Notes related to Material Origin:
2568614 Wrong MATORG Determination During a Stock Transfer Return Scenario
2553555 Fiscal Year Not Found in Stock Transfer Scenario Between Centers
2444943 MIGO/VL32N: Material Origin Not Determined During Stock Transport Order Receipt Process
2422562 MIRO/MR8M: Tax Determination Does Not Consider Invoice Data From Source Documents
2419013 MIRO/MR8M: Tax Determination Does Not Consider Invoice Data From Source Documents
2414597 Call the Pricing Procedure when Change the Material Origin Field
2383291 Material Origin: Stock Transfer - Wrong Value When Fiscal Year Changes
2376290 Purchase Order: Material Origin is not Editable
2372494 Material Origin: Stock Transfer - Wrong Value when Using Batch Split
2367892 Material Origin: Subcontracting - Wrong value after Goods Issue
2367847 STO: Source Document Reference is not Determined Correctly
2359707 Material Origin: Subcontracting - Wrong value after Goods Issue
2341392 STO: Wrong Determination of the Material Origin Field in the Incoming Nota Fiscal
2329708 STO: Incorrect FCI Number and Origin of Material Fields for Incoming Nota Fiscal