I believe most of you encountered error Failed to upload file from source when trying to restore a backup file with Foreground mode in UJBR, and note 1660238 has made this very clear.
In addition, I want to share another workaround that may make the restore work with Foreground mode.
- Shut Down SAP Logon.
- Open SAP GUI again and then run UJBR only.
- Restore with Foreground mode.
This workaround may works if the backup file is not very large(e.g. 200~300 MB), otherwise you need to use Background mode.
Actually, We had an issue when uploading MSP file of EPM add-in in backend and the root cause was same (Note 2120974). The point is both the program use SAP Gui_Upload method, which is not intended for transferring large volumes of data (Note 872457).
I hope it helps.
Best regards,