It is a very common requirement to define attribute for a dimension when using BPC as a planning solution. In BPC standard model, we just need to add a new field in web admin, and value maintenance is also very straightforward.
How can we do that for
virtual master data in BPC optimized for S/4 HANA, which is based on BPC Embedded model?
As the name indicates, the master data of "virtual master data" is not physically saved in BW but S/4. For example, master data of GL Account comes from SKA1 table. If the attribute you need is not defined in this table, then no related information could be provided from S/4 side.
We can't change the structure of SKA1 to add some planning specific fields, so we have to look for other way for this problem. Below we gave one option.
Firstly, create a new table to store the extra master data information. Besides the new attributes we want to add, make sure the key fields of host master data table are included in this new table. For example, if we'll add attributes for GL Account, then following fields should be included in the new table:
Once the table is ready, next step is to set up a join between main master data table with this new attribute table. Generally left outer join should be used so even no content is maintained in attribute table, the master data table could be output.
Next step is to select the fields from this new attribute table as "OUTPUT" in HANA view. This step is done in HANA studio.
Once the modelling at HANA side is done, we could start to define InfoObject in BW accordingly, just like the regular way to add a new attribute for existing InfoObject.
Last step is to set up mapping between the InfoObject and field we expose in HANA view.