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Cambridge Dictionary defines “tradition” as “a belief, principle, or way of acting that people in a particular society or group have continued to follow for a long time, or all of these beliefs, etc. in a particular society or group”.

If you consider, as I do, that contributors and readers of these #GRCTuesdays blog posts form a “group” and that 5 years is a “long time”, then there’s no two ways about it: the GRC Tuesdays Christmas Carols is a “tradition”. And as such, here’s the latest Opus.

In case you missed the previous blogs in this tradition, then, in a nutshell, these are GRC-inspired Christmas Carol parodies.

In the very first version back in 2016, we had even recorded the SAP team singing. By popular demand, we will refrain from doing so ever again in the future!

This year, the GRC Christmas Carol will (try to) follow the music of Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town. If you don’t know or can’t recall it, then you can find a version on YouTube.


You better watch out, you better comply

Better not hide, I’m telling you why

Auditors are coming to town


They’re here to assist, and are quite nice

Not to point out or be the police

Auditors are coming to town


They know that you are working

Don’t hope t’find a mistake

They just want to check that it’s all good

So be helpful for your sake!


Oh, you better watch out, you better comply

Better not hide, I’m telling you why

Auditors are coming to town



They know when you are struggling

And have a big headache

So instead of hiding und’ the hood

Why not ask for their good take?


Oh, you better watch out, you better comply

Better not hide, I’m telling you why

Auditors are coming to town


You better watch out, you better comply

Better not hide, I’m telling you why

Auditors are coming to town


It’s a wrap for yet another year of #GRCTuesdays blog series!

With 27 blog posts released and over 10,000 views, I’d like to thank you, on behalf of all the contributors, for reading, sharing, and commenting on these blogs. Keep an eye open for the 2022 ones.

I look forward to reading your thoughts and comments either on this blog or on Twitter @TFrenehard and, in case you’d like to read and sing along the previous GRC Tuesdays Christmas Carols, then I have pasted the links below:

2020 - GRC Tuesdays: We Wish You a Threat-Free Christmas and a Breachless New Year

2019 - GRC Tuesdays: The Twelve Days of (GRC) Christmas

2017 - GRC Tuesdays: GRC Naughty or Nice Quiz

2016 - GRC Tuesdays: Jingle Bells

Yes, we had a small hiccup and skipped a release in 2018…