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Firefighter Sessions (GRAC_FFSESSION)

Report to check the major information of a Firefighter sessions and to (re)collect the logs, (re)initiate workflow, force logoff the session and to set the status of them. This is replacement to Timebased program.



The purpose of this tool is to be able to list and check the available Firefighter Sessions, recollect the logs if for some reason the normal Firefighter synch job is not collected, regenerate a workflow if for some reason the original workflow should be invalidated and to be able to set the status of the Firefighter Sessions.



Execute transaction GRAC_FFSESSION.


  1. Search criteria section: Here one can set the search criteria to filter table GRACFFLOG. The table can be searched for FFLOG_ID, Connector, Firefighter User and ID, Workflow ID, whether the Workflow is already sent or not and the Logon status (A, B, C, or empty). One can also search for a particular Logon time interval from Date and Time and to Date and time. Please use F4 help for the Date and Time values and for Login Status or use asterisk (*) as a wildcard character.

  2. List button: After setting up a search criterion, one can click on the List button which will show you the results of the criteria. Please be advised that there is also an authorization check before the list is getting visible, hence it will only represent those session which you are authorized for. If there are no search criteria is set, then all the authorized Firefighter Session would be visible.

  3. Set status button: In case there is need to change the status of a Firefighter session or sessions, one can do it using the Set status button. Before clicking on the button, select all the firefighter sessions that needs to be change for a particular status. If no session is selected an error message is shown “No Firefighter session was selected”. After clicking on the button, a popup window opens up where one can choose the desired status, and then a confirmation popup will also be shown to confirm, decline or cancel the status change process. After the change process finish an explicit refresh is executes on the ALV screen, hence the new information will be reloaded. The change is logged in SLG1 under the External ID SETSTATUS/FFSESSIONS.


  1. Recollect log button: To recollect the logs or collect some missing logs for a particular session, use Recollect log button. Before clicking on the button select all the firefighter sessions for which one must (re)collect the logs. If no session is selected, an error message is displayed that “No Firefighter session was selected”. After clicking on the button, a confirmation popup will be shown, where one can confirm, decline, or cancel the log collection process. If it is confirmed, a background job will be scheduled, and one will get the job name (which will always GRAC_FFSESSIONS) and the job ID of the scheduled background job. The job will be scheduled to run immediately. If the status of the session was Logged (B) then the status will be automatically moved to Collected (C), however the workflow generation will not be initiated immediately, even if SPRO parameter 4007 is set to YES. On the other hand, if a normal Firefighter Log Synch job is running after (and SPRO parameter 4007 is YES), or you schedule a Firefighter Workflow Sync, the workflow generation will occur normally. The log collection is logged in SLG1 under the External ID RECOLLECT/FFSESSIONS.


  1. Regenerate workflow button: In case one needs to (re)generate the workflow of a particular session, you can do it with the Regenerate workflow button. Before clicking on the button select all the firefighter sessions for which one must (re)generate the workflow. . If no session is selected, an error message is displayed that “No Firefighter session was selected”. After you click on the button, a confirmation popup will be shown, where one can confirm, decline or cancel the workflow generation process. If it is confirmed, the workflow (re)generation is automatically occurs and in case there were previous workflows you will get a warning that they are invalidated. One needs to explicitly cancel the previous workflows, otherwise will get “Invalid log report” error message. Please be advised that workflow can be generated for those sessions where the status is Collected (C) or Completed (empty). If the status of the session was Collected (C) then the status will be automatically moved to Completed (empty). The workflow generation is logged in SLG1 under the External ID WORKFLOW/FFSESSIONS.


  1. Refresh button : The refresh button is reload all the Firefighter Session which meet the criteria of what was set in the last Listing was executed. It is not considering the change of the Search Criteria's.


  1. Force Logoff button : The Force Logoff button is force close all the selected sessions. To be able to logoff a session the user need to have authorization object GRAC_FFOBJ with ACTVT 36 (Extended maintenance) for the particular Firefighter Object and the Connector.


  1. ALV buttons: One can use the standard ALV buttons to sort the values, search for particular values, set additional Filters, print or export the result set.


  1. Result table : To see the selected Firefighter Session in this ALV table, select the line items by clicking the checkbox in front of a particular line. One can select multiple lines by using the Shift or Ctrl keys. One can also do some standard ALV functionalities by clicking the header of a column.

The available information for a Firefighter session is the following:

FFLOG ID – The GUID of the particular Firefighter Session.

Connector – The system where the session was executed.

FF Object – The Firefighter ID which used in the particular session.

FF User – The User ID of the user who initiated the particular session.

Logon time – The time when the logon happened (in UTC). The format of the Logon time is YY.YYM.MDD.HHM.ISS.

Login status – the status of the particular session (A – New Login, B – Logged, C – Collected, empty – Completed, S - Suspended).

*Suspended session is for which no action is required. The Firefighter Log Synch job would skip the suspended sessions.

Reason text – the selected Reason text for the session.

Workflow sent – Checked if the workflow was sent, and not checked if there is no workflow for the session.

Log from plugin – Checked if the session was decentralized and not checked if it was centralized.

Workflow status – A short brief of the workflow status. If the workflow was initiated, you can see the Workflow ID, otherwise you can see an explanation why there are no workflow. It is empty if the status is not Completed (empty).

Number of Action Usage records – you can see the number of Action usage records for this session.

Number of Changelog records – you can see the number of Changelog records for this session.

Number of Auditlog records – you can see the number of Auditlog records for this session.

Number of Systemlog records – you can see the number of Systemlog records for this session.

Number of OS Command Log records – you can see the number of OS Command log records for this session.

Session type – you can see the what kind of session it was initiated (ABAP, WEB, HANA)

Logoff type – you can see how the session ended. It can be ended by the user or by force logoff (both using the report or the periodic job).

Last activity – you can see the timestamp of the last detected activity time of the session.

10.Action menu:You can reach the previous functionality in Action menu as well.



To display a particular Firefighter Session, you would need GRAC_FFOBJ authorization object with ACTVT 03 (Display) both for the Firefighter object (GRAC_FFOBJ and for the Connector (GRAC_SYSID). For changing the status of the session, the user requires S_TABU_NAM Authorization object with ACTVT 02 for TABLE GRACFFLOG. The log collection and the workflow generation does not require extra privileges. If the user has Display authorization, these functionalities can be executed for the session. To be able to logoff a session the user needs to have authorization object GRAC_FFOBJ with ACTVT 36 (Extended maintenance) for the particular Firefighter Object and the Connector.

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