DM Stack 1600 of SAP Disclosure Management 10.1 has been released on April 20
th, 2020.
These scenarios benefit from this latest release:
- Core SAP Disclosure Management functionalities
- Installation, Update and Operations
- XBRL scenarios using the Mapping Method (e.g. US SEC Filings, UK HMRC, ESEF, ESMA and others)
- E-Bilanz Tax Filings
The following SAP Notes will provide more details:
Please also see our
Installation and Upgrade Guide.
Learn about new features and capabilities in the following.
Multi Instance Installation for Application Server
With earlier DM Stacks, you could install just one single instance of DM SERVER - APPL SERVER 10.1 on the same server machine. This has been improved as since DM Stack 1600, the DM SERVER - APPL SERVER 10.1 setup provides support of multi-instance installation and update on one single server machine.

Further details can be found in
SAP Help.
Improved Appearance of iXBRL Instances
With DM Stack 1502 it became possible to render iXBRL reports with pages like the original Word document.
With DM Stack 1600 additionally page numbers and hyperlinks are supported. Images of type SVG (vector graphics) are automatically exchanged by images in PNG format as vector graphics are not allowed to be used in iXBRL filings.
Support of Transformation Rules with Inline XBRL as Format
The Transformation Rules Registry defines how strings that appear in Inline XBRL documents are converted to the formats required by the data types of concepts in an XBRL documents.
The XBRL Mapper has a new tab 'Format' where such kind of formats can be applied to any mapping.

Further details can be found in SAP Help.
Full Support of Rollforward for Chapters of Content Type MS PowerPoint
Since DM Stack 1600, chapters of content type PowerPoint (ppt and pptx) will be forwarded and data links will be relinked to the new period. This function is restricted to certain objects (textboxes and linked images).
Support of Server-Side Content Refresh for MS PowerPoint
Additionally to server-side content refresh of MS Word and MS Excel documents, DM Stack 1600 also supports server-side content refresh of linked images and textboxes in MS PowerPoint.
With DM Stack 1600 the DM SERVER - XBRL SERVICE 10.1 does no longer exist. All functions previously executed by it are now executed by the DM SERVER - TASK ENGINE 10.1. This allows better scaling of the DM SERVER - TASK ENGINE 10.1.
Workflows and Reports Can be Set to Outdated
Workflows and Report Types can be set outdated. If this flag is checked, they cannot be used for reports and chapters anymore. This can also be undone.

Further details can be found in
SAP Help.
SAP E-Bilanz Templates for Taxonomy 6.3
The technical content of SAP Excel templates for E-Bilanz included in DM Stack 1600 consists of a set of 7 Excel templates representing the new taxonomy 6.3:
- SAP E-Bilanz template for Core taxonomy
- SAP E-Bilanz template for Core MicroBilG taxonomy
- SAP E-Bilanz template for Bank taxonomy
- SAP E-Bilanz template for Payment Institutions taxonomy
- SAP E-Bilanz template for Insurance taxonomy
- SAP E-Bilanz template for Branches taxonomy
- SAP E-Bilanz template for Branches MicroBilG taxonomy
All templates can be used with both, SAP Disclosure Management 10.1 and SAP ERP client for E-Bilanz 1.0.
For more information about the new E-BILANZ TAXO6.3 TEMPLATES 1.0 see
SAP Note 2916128.
ERiC 31 Library Used in E-Bilanz Scenario
SAP Disclosure Management components for E-Bilanz scenario now use ERiC for the validation and submission of E-Bilanz reports. ERiC 31 supports taxonomy 6.3 test filings and is backwards compatible to older taxonomies.
A major change in this version is that the file encoding changed to UTF-8. Therefore, you need to generate a new E-Bilanz report revision before a validate, preview or submit action can be performed.
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