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DM Stack 1400 of SAP Disclosure Management 10.1 has been released on 26th March, 2019.



These scenarios benefit from this latest release:

  • Core SAP Disclosure Management functionalities

  • US SEC Filings and other XBRL scenarios using the Mapping Method

  • EU XBRL Filings and other XBRL scenarios using the Input Schedule Method

  • Installation, Update and Operations

  • E-Bilanz Tax Filings



The following SAP Notes will provide more details:

Please also see our Installation and Upgrade Guide.




Learn about new features and capabilities in the following.


Support of iXBRL for SEC and ESMA

The US SEC (United States Securities and Exchange Commission) and ESMA (European Securities and Markets Authority) require reports to them to be delivered in iXBRL. iXBRL (inline XBRL) is an open standard that combines human- and machine-readable data.

DM Stack 1400 supports this format.


View Report Roles App

This app allows to view the roles assigned to users for a selected report. The user has first to choose a period and select a specific report, the app will then display a table grouped by source of role's assignment and sorted by username. The assignment of users to roles is displayed on entity level if the source of assignment was global and on report and chapter level if the source of assignment was local.

Key Features:

  • This app shows users assigned to roles on entity level if source is global or report/chapter level if source is local.

The table can be downloaded as a file compatible with Microsoft Excel.


Linked Images

With DM Stack 1400 it is possible to create data links of table ranges (e.g. including charts) from Microsoft Excel to Microsoft Word or Microsoft PowerPoint. These linked ranges are included as images in the documents or presentations and can be refreshed on client site and server site.

More information can be found in the User Help.




Unification of XBRL Plugin Names

Most of the XBRL plugins were originally created for certain scenarios. But meanwhile they can also be used in other ones. This makes having the scenario name in the XBRL Plugin’s name (like „US SEC Validation“) confusing. Using a certain plugin in a certain scenario is no longer intuitive, but in some cases quite the opposite.

Therefore, the names of the XBRL plugins have been generalized and standardized. The old and new names of the different XBRL plugins are available in the User Help.


Plugin 'XBRL-Mapping-Create' Supports Additional Encoding

XBRL files can be differently encoded according to the requirements of the respective regulator. With previous DM Stacks, only the encodings ‘ASCII’ and ‘UTF8’ were possible. With DM Stack 1400, the Plugin 'XBRL-Mapping-Create' support additionally the encoding 'ISO-8859-1'.


New Property „Position of Percent symbol“ Available in Language Options

In the language options inside the Administration tab, it is possible to customize languages. On the corresponding configuration page, a new property „Position of Percent symbol“ has been introduced. This property is used to decide, if a percent sign symbol should be displayed inside or outside of parenthesis. This setting only has an effect, if „parenthesis“ are selected as „Negative sign symbol“.


Word Templates For Reports Editable

For Microsoft Word reports it is possible to upload or download templates for rendering these reports (on report level only).

With DM Stack 1400 the possibility has been added to edit already uploaded templates directly from the DM SERVER - APPL SERVER 10.1 via the standard check out/check in functionality. Accordingly, the option to „undo checkout“ of a template has been added.


JRE 11 and OpenJDK Platform 11 (64-Bit) or Higher Versions Supported

Public updates for Java SE 8 are no longer available for Commercial Users since January 2019. Therefore, SAP Disclosure Management has discontinued the support of Java 8 according to SAP Note 2757179.

Since DM Stack 1400, only JRE 11 and OpenJDK Platform 11 (64-Bit) or higher versions are supported by DM SERVER - TASK ENGINE 10.1 and DM SERVER - XBRL SERVICE 10.1. Both components cannot be installed with earlier Java versions any longer.


Configurable Time for Automatic Logoff

With DM Stack 1400 the time, after which a user is logged off automatically, can be configured.

More details about this functionality can be found in the Security Guide.




SAP E-Bilanz Templates For Taxonomy 6.2

The technical content of SAP Excel templates for E-Bilanz included in DM Stack 1400 consists of a set of 7 Excel templates representing the new taxonomy 6.2:

  1. SAP E-Bilanz template for Core taxonomy

  2. SAP E-Bilanz template for Core MicroBilG taxonomy

  3. SAP E-Bilanz template for Bank taxonomy

  4. SAP E-Bilanz template for Payment Institutions taxonomy

  5. SAP E-Bilanz template for Insurance taxonomy

  6. SAP E-Bilanz template for Branches taxonomy

  7. SAP E-Bilanz template for Branches MicroBilG taxonomy

All templates can be used with both, SAP Disclosure Management 10.1 and SAP ERP client for E-Bilanz 1.0.

Compared to their taxonomy 6.1 predecessors, the taxonomy 6.2 templates include these additions/improvements:

  • Improved "Gesellschafter" sheet

    • Updated list of shareholder group ("Gesellschaftergruppe") items

    • Changed layout for shareholder group and shareholder legalForm

  • Fixed worksheet "Anlagenspiegel"

    • Ability to switch signs for specific columns to adjust to ERP imported data

      • Inverted column AD ("Umbuchungen")

      • Removed inversion of column AC ("Erfolgsneutrale Abgänge")

    • The sheet was removed from the variant for Insurance taxonomy as it is not allowed. See SAP Note 2765751 for more details.

For more information about the new E-BILANZ TAXO6.2 TEMPLATES 1.0 see SAP Note 2770080.


ERiC 29 Library Used in E-Bilanz Scenario

SAP Disclosure Management components for E-Bilanz scenario now use ERiC for the validation and submission of E-Bilanz reports. ERiC 29 supports taxonomy 6.2 test filings and is backwards compatible to older taxonomies. From April 2019 this will also be the minimum required version for submitting E-Bilanz reports to ELSTER.


US SEC Validation Based on EDGAR Filer Manual Version 49

From DM Stack 1400, the validation of US SEC XBRL instances covers version 49 of the “EDGAR Filer Manual (Volume II), EDGAR Filing” (EFM 49).


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