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This document outlines how to install Disclosure Management services packs and patches via a command prompt



Why using the command prompt

When you perform the initial installation of Disclosure Management (see Installing SAP Disclosure Management 10.1 ) the system will prompt for DB server, DB name, user + pwd



All this information is stored (encrypted) in a registry key. When you run a Service Pack (or patch), this information is re-used, so that the DB can automatically be updated via scripts, without any user prompts

However, this means that if any of these parameters changes (for example, you moved servers, the pwd changed etc.) the patch installation will fail. This is a typical error message you may get



Currently, the only option is to run the SP / patch installations via the commend prompt

Note: there is no way to update the registry key with the new information



The installation of Service packs via command prompt is explained in this note:

Install SAP Disclosure Management with SQL server parameters


Here is an example of how to perform this


1. The current version is 10.1 SP05PL01


2. The DB is also at this level (verified with "SELECT *  FROM [dsm].[Setup].[DMSetupSchemaVersion]" )



3. The server and DB used (i.e. where you moved the DB to)



4. Download the SP / patch and place it in a folder on the application server




5. Open the CMD prompt (with Admin rights)



6. Go to the folder where the SP has been downloaded to


As the note explains, the syntax is:




Note: you can replace setup.exe with the actual SP executable name



7. The notification screens will still appear as normal



8. The installation will complete and you can verify in the DB that the SQL scripts were executed on the correct DB