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This is an overview of how the default font on styles can impact the text and tables in Disclosure Management

An example

We have an Excel chapter that has a BIP_range. The font used in this range is “Symbol” (this is  used to easily see the result – a more common font would be Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial, but the principle remains the same)


We now create a new Word chapter, check it out and enter some text. The font used is Times New Roman which is the default font (i.e. style “Normal” uses this)

We now add the table (the BIP_range that uses Symbol) to the Word chapter. We use the Excel template

The result is as follows


  1. The table uses the font Symbol (as expected, as this what was defined in Excel)



  1. Disclosure Management has created a style (DM_ETW_xxxxxxx) which uses font Symbol.



  1. The text of the chapter has also changed to font “Symbol”


This is somewhat unexpected. The default font of the Normal style now has this Symbol font and therefore the text that was using the Normal style (which used font “Times New Roman”)

What happens in the system


The first thing to realize, is the importance of BIP_WordTableDef.doc (in DM >Administration >>Content Refresh) even though the table uses “Excel template”, the BIP_WordTableDef.doc is still used.

This document has a default font (on the Normal style)

You can define the Default Font settings here:

When a data-linked object (e.g. table) is created in Word, a (unique) style is created for each table. The default font of this style will be the same as the one from BIPWordTableDef.doc

Word will now compare the default font of the BIPWordTableDef.doc with this font of the table style. If it is the same, this will now be set as the default font in the chapter.

In the example above, this is what happened – the font Style is the default of BIPWordTableDef.doc and is also used in the BIP_range (and therefore the style DM_ETW_xxxx).

As these match, the default font of the chapter is now set to Symbol – as the text of the chapter was using style Normal with the default font, the text also changes.

NOTE: if there is no BIPWordTableDoc.doc on the server or you are locally connected, a default document from Aspose (3rd party component used by DM) is used. This default document cannot be changed.

This unintended behavior can also occur on

  • Content refresh (server side)

  • Preview of chapter / report (in this case, the default font of the Word template used differs from the BIPWordTableDoc.doc)

The resolution for all these types of issues is the same – ensure that the default font used in your template and/or BIPWordTableDoc.doc corresponds to the default font used in the Normal style of Word.

Useful Notes



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