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During transaction processing in Revenue accounting and Reporting, many time the performance obligations might be put in suspended status. This can happen automatically in case of conflicts (price allocation or a spreading conflict) or might be triggered manually as needed. This action suspends revenue and cost postings. Suspended POB and related revenue and cost information should be monitored to ensure that

  • the POB conflicts are resolved promptly

  • In case of manual suspension, they are unsuspended when the scenario or business need permits

The overall internal control team needs to monitor the key controls ensuring that any issue identified are resolved promptly and that entity follow all financial compliance norms. ‘Detect Suspended POB’ helps monitor suspended POBs in SAP Financial compliance Management to ensure that relevant POB are identified, monitored and corrected.

A high-level overview of the settings that can be done is given below


  1. Define the teams that will be in-charge of the control and monitor it. This would be a onetime set up normally


 Figure 1:  * Click to enlarge *


2. Set up the organization hierarchy, this would be a onetime set up normally


Figure 2:  * Click to enlarge *


3. Set up the process catalog, this would be a onetime set up normally


Figure 3:  * Click to enlarge *


4. Define the control indicating the Risk level, duration, and recommended frequency


Figure 4:  * Click to enlarge *


5. Set up the automated procedure


Figure 5:  * Click to enlarge *


Key point to note here are the OData Service details as given below

  • OData Service Name: /sap/opu/odata/sap/UI_RAFINCMPLNCSUSPENSION

  • OData Service Set Name: RevnAcctContrSuspn


6. Set up the Work package

Figure 6:  * Click to enlarge *


In the work package, link the control and automated procedure

Figure 7:  * Click to enlarge *


8.  The Display Work Package shows the output of the run, the list of suspended POBs

Figure 8:  * Click to enlarge *


9. The identified issues can be seen, assigned and tracked in the Process issue app.

Figure 9:  * Click to enlarge *


As a quick recap, we saw how easy it is to maintain Suspended POB related compliance control along with other internal controls in SAP Finance Compliance Management. The partners also have options to create their own content and add. This is just the beginning and I expect more content would become available with time.

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