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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

We are delighted to share with you what is coming with CPQ 2305 release. For full list please read What's new with CPQ2305 document. Topics that will be covered are:


Variant Configuration and pricing integration improvements in Quote 2.0

Listening to market needs we understood our customers need more flexibility when ERP pricing is used with VCP integration and invested a lot in expanding capabilities of document pricing in CPQ.
Extend CPS context with sales relevant data

This is a massive change coming with CPQ2305 where we are enabling line item context to be enriched before call gets triggered towards CPS service. All what needs to be done is to attach a script on event BeforeItemAdded to populate item context and than mappings in General attribute mappings with CTX currentItem tag will be able to read values and include them in CPS context.

with this we are unlocking potential of VCP integration with document pricing as customers not only can use product context for pricing calls but also can add sales relevant data from quote or customer.

Read more on how to sync and set up pricing procedures in CPQ Quote 2.0

Extend scripting and API with pricing response in Quote 2.0

CPS response exposed in scripting on line item so new property is available:

Existing API endpoint is enchanced to include CPS response exposed in scripting on line item. Previously only mapped conditions were available.


Possibility to use variant pricing for ERP products that do not have configuration in VC/AVC

Starting with 2305 it will be possible to set variant pricing for a product that does not come with LO-VC/AVC configuration. With this we are unlocking potential for usage of ERP pricing on CPQ modeled products.


CPQ calculations on top of VCP pricing in Quote 2.0

Main driver of this endeavor was to deliver flexibility of sales process in SAP CPQ Quote 2.0 as customers can combine products from external systems with those modeled in CPQ in one quote

Starting with CPQ2305 users can execute CPQ standard calculations on top of VCP calculations and with this build advanced sales logic in SAP CPQ.

Upgrade product to current KB version

If there is new product version available for selected sales context (effective date) Upgrade to new product version action will be available on items that are synced from back office. Once item action is triggered configuration is upgraded throughout all levels according to active KB version


Document translations in Quote 2.0

Users now have the option to generate documents in specific languages by selecting a dictionary during the document generation process same as it was possible in Quote 1.0



Get multiple quotes API in Quote 2.0

With 2305 we are introducing brand new API endpoint that can return list of quotes based on defined criteria. Currently available filters are: Quote ID, Quote Composite Number, Distribution channel, Status ID, Market ID and Active revision.

Check out the swagger link for more details.


Business Partners Import

Administrators can now import or export business partners in bulk on the new Bulk Business
Partner Import/Export page, located in the Import/Export section of the Setup. It is possible
to export a template which can be populated with new or updated business partners and
subsequently imported into SAP CPQ.


Attribute values Long Description

Administrators can now define a long description for the attribute values of configurable
products. This allows administrators to display more information about an attribute value in the
Configurator. Email notifications are sent when the process is finished.

  • On Attribute definition level and apply it to all products using that attribute

  • On Product definition level and apply it only to that product


DocuSign Improvement

Enhanced integration with DocuSign with easier  administration

New tags added:

  • <<signer_X_initials>>

  • <<signer_X_datesigned>>

  • <<signer_X_checkbox_Y_mandatory>>

  • <<signer_X_checkbox_Z_optional>>

  • <<signer_X_mandatory_radiogroup_Y_button_Z>>

  • <<signer_X_optional_radiogroup_M_button_N>>

  • same goes for countersigners

Read more in What's new CPQ2305


Setup Upgrade

The visual appearance of pages available to administrators throughout the SAP CPQ Setup has
been improved in accordance with the SAP Fiori standards.


Improved Federation Protocol

A new module for the federated single sign-on is now available to administrators. The Setup
page for setting up the federation settings has been improved and the process of adding a new
Identity Provider is now simpler and more accurate. In addition, error handling has been
improved, as users experiencing errors are now provided with error codes which link directly to
explanations of those specific errors. No action is required from the administrators, as the
metadata will be automatically migrated, and the functionality will continue to work as before.


We are eager to hear your feedback so please share your impressions, comments and questions in comments!



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