We can use number sets to classify a product for multiple customs codes for more than one country and for multiple application area .
Here we can check how to implement this feature in SAP GTS.
1. Defining Number Set Schema
Execute transaction SPRO.
Global Trade services -> General Settings -> Numbering Schemes -> Define Numbering scheme and structure of Numbering set
2. Define Number Set Structure
Now We have to define a reference structure to which the user and system can refer during the classification process in product master.
Reference structure you can copy from the existing numbering scheme .
For creating the entries,I have used EUSTA as reference structure .
3. Assign Numbering Schemes to Set Schema for Classification
Global Trade services -> General Settings -> Numbering Schemes -> Assign Numbering scheme to Set Schema
Save the entries.
4. Create Number Set
SAP Global Trade Services -> SAP Customs Management -> Classification -> Number Sets -> Assign Numbers to Sets
Select Create Number set
Use the input help to enter the generic part of the customs code number. This input help functions in exactly the same way as the standard classification help function.
Use Generate Set Number ,The system generates the number set and displays the generic customs code number in the field next to the name of the number set at the top of the screen.
Save the entries .
5. Classify Product using number set
Select assign numbering set
Select the schema's and use Assign Set button
There is an optimization to number set functionality available for the below releases from the mentioned SP on wards.
Please refer the note 2170205 - Optimization of number set functionality in product classification