Announcing the availability of SAP Financial Conso...
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The SAP Financial Consolidation software helps you meet management and global regulatory requirements and streamline compliance. Today we are pleased to announce the general availability of SAP Financial Consolidation 10.1 support package 01 (SP01). This release delivers new features and a rejuvenated user experience (UX), all designed to maximize ease of use and customer return on investment.
Rejuvenated web user experience
Using modern design principles based on SAP Fiori, the UX is simplified across tasks to reflect the way end-users actually work throughout their day. The new HTML5 web user interface (UI) supports multiple browsers and the UI has been fully reimagined through an intense collaboration between business end-users and the SAP R&D team. Available today with release 10.1, the rejuvenated web UX for the data collection process is our first delivery. Other web features such as reports, manual journal entries or consolidation processing will be made available through support packages. As we deliver innovation without disruption both the legacy and the new HTML5 web UI will co-exist.
Simplified homepage
Supports multiple browsers
Enables working on multiple packages at the same time
New widget facilitates data control
Key other 10.1 features
New SAP web printing solution
"Propose an alternative solution to ActivePDF for printing" is ranked #1 most voted idea by SAP Financial Consolidation customers in SAP Idea Place (see the idea). In release 10.1 you can now use a new web printing solution developed by SAP, embedded in the software and including an automated installation via product setup. The solution is built upon open source and works as follows from a technical standpoint: Microsoft XPS Document printer input is transformed to HTML, and then HTML is transformed to PDF.
64-bit web server layer
A tried and tested 64-bit web server layer is now available with almost no memory constraints, delivering better stability and performance. All components have been updated in 64-bit: Web Service, Web Administration, Legacy website and new HTML5 website (see architecture graph below).
Refined SAP HANA real-time reporting
The SAP HANA value proposition – simplified IT layers, real-time updates, instant reporting, big data ready (see real-time reporting on consolidated data video) – is being refined through a new, direct and native link between SAP Financial Consolidation and SAP HANA tables using SAP HANA SPS09 improvements on calculation views.
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