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SAP Brazil Localization Team hosted yesterday a Webinar to talk about the new changes released to the NFe 10.0 (SAP NFE GRC) via Support Package 25 and Support Package 26.

Since the Webinar was hosted in portuguese, I wrote this post in english to help updating others who couldn't attend due to the language.

Very good information shared by renan.correa, leonardo.brunetto and Gustavo Machado. Good Job guys!

Before I go further in details of those SP changes, the NFe 4.00 status didn’t change. All remains the same...


Support Package 25

The SP25 was issued in November 2016 via OSS Note 2310298 – SAPK-90025INSLLNFE: Support Package 25 for SLL-NFE and the main changes delivered are:

  • CTe Outbound Layout 3.00 – Deadline to implement: December 4th, 2017

  • MDF-e Outbound Layout 3.00 – Deadline to implement: October 2nd, 2017

  • Incoming: Enhanced Error Handling and improvements on error’s display

  • Improvement in the FLEX BAdI steps

CTe Outbound Layout 3.00

The new layout main changes were the addition of new fields, and changes in some of the existing fields format’s, such as the Date and Time, which will all be in the UTC format including hour, minute, second and time-zone.

Not only the XML will show the dates in the UTC format but also in the NFe 10.0 monitors.

New field added to the XML layout, like:

  • indIEToma – indicates what is the State Inscription of the partner who is taking the service.

  • IEST – indicates what is the State Inscription of the CTe issuer at the destination region.

  • vCargaAverb – Averbation amount

Those fields are “available” to be populated when the XML is built, that means, the data must com from the ERP and for that there are OSS notes that needs to be implemented in the ERP side to accommodate the CTe 3.00 changes.

Those changes are delivered in a BAdI that contain the new fields and methods required to map the data and pass it to the NFe 10.0 where the XML is going to be build. Check OSS Note 2368483 for more details around the ERP changes.


Some fields/tags were removed from CTe XML layout and/or moved to MDFe XML Layout.

MDF-e Outbound Layout 3.00

The MDF-e layout 3.00, besides the date and time format changing to UTC format, also got new fields/tags that moved from the CTe layout, like:

  • seg – insurance information

  • peri – dangerous good information

  • valePed – Toll information

It is important to inform that the MDF-e has no solution inside of the ERP system. The changes are only delivered at the SAP GRC/NFe 10.0 system.

The NFe 10.0 has an interface to get the parameters and process the data… it is required that each company do their own development in the ERP side as desired.

The layout is ready to accommodate the MDFe 3.00 in the SAP NFe 10.0 side.

Inbound: Enhanced Error Handling and improvements on error’s displaying

It was delivered an improvement in the way how nota fiscal errors are delivered in the monitor.

Here is a comparison between the old screen layout:

In the old way you need to select a single NFe and that will show the details on the bottom. This is done Nota Fiscal by Nota Fiscal:


There will be a BAdI delivered in this SP (/XNFE/BADI_ENHANCE_STEP_RESULT) which will allow to group the nota fiscal documents by error type.

The change to the status message of a process step is done in the method ENHANCE_STATUS_MESSAGE.

Once the implementation is done, the Nota Fiscal documents with error will be displayed in a hierarchical view grouped by error type:


It was also delivered new columns at the header level, they are:

  • Infotext of the Last Process Status

  • Application Log


Improvement in the FLEX BAdI steps

It was delivered a new parameter to the BAdI /XNFE/BADI_FLEXIBLE_STEP which was enhanced to receive an internal table to pass the parameters from the structure CT_ASSIGNSUB to allow to use the methods Steps Before DANFE and Steps After DANFE to bring the documents reference back like Purchase Order, Inbound Delivery and etc.

If you are running the  SP25, SAP released 2 bug-fixes that MUST be implemented:

2395616 – Event locked in Event Monitor after SP25 or note 2383713

2417335 – Extraction of Signature Tag

Support Package 26

The Support Package 26 was released late in February this year via OSS Note 2402473 – SAPK-90026INSLLNFE: Support Package 26 for SLL-NFE and the main changes are:


  • CTe Outbound NT 2016.001

  • MDF-e Outbound NT 2017.001

  • Improvements BAdI / XNFE/EMAIL_B2B

Inbound Automation:

  • CT-e 3.00: Service Delivery Disagreement Events

  • NF-e NT 2014.002 v1.02 – WS Receiver Acknowledgement

  • Mass Sending of Events of Receiver Acknowledgement

  • BAdI for Email Determination in Supplier Notification

  • Exclusion of DANFE reading on Gatekeeper Monitor


CTe Outbound NT 2016.001 &  MDF-e Outbound NT 2017.001

NT 2016.001 –

NT 2017.001 –

In the Technical Note NT 2017.001 there were some validation rules and status check changes released in the 1.02 version in March, 2017 but no direct impact to the SAP NFE if you are running the SP26. The changes announced are covered in the SP26.

It is very important to remember that before you deactivate the CT-e 2.00 and MDF-e 1.00 versions you upgrade to the SP26 or the status check will not work to those.

The deactivation of those versions are scheduled to the dates:

  • CT-e 2.00 – December 4th, 2017

  • MDF-e 1.00 – October 2nd, 2017

Remember that from August, 2017 the carriers will be allowed to issue the CT-e in the new layout 3.00, therefore it is important to be prepared to receive those new XMLs in the NFe Incoming side, for that you need the SP26 implemented (and also the ERP changes implemented)

Improvements BAdI / XNFE/EMAIL_B2B

It was created additional parameters at the B2B BAdI. A new event parameter was added to allow sending the details of an event via email to the Nota Fiscal partner. Additionally, there are 2 exception methods to better handle the B2B errors return, for example to give a better explanation of the error and additional details to the users.


CT-e 3.00: Service Delivery Disagreement Events

There is a new event that was delivered to the new CT-e 3.0 layout. When receiving a CT-e, if the document is not in accordance with something (Service Disagreement), then you need to issue an EVENT to indicate that.

Then, only after the EVENT is issued, the carrier will be able to issue a new CTe. If an event is not issued to inform that the CTe was not correct, the carrier will get an error Rejection – 735 – The document he is trying to cancel / annulate  must have an event of “Service Disagreement” when the service taken partner is Tax Contributor (indIEToma = 1). This rule is implemented in the validation rule G124


The customizing entry at the SAP NFe 10.0 can be found here:


There you can create the event:


In the Web monitors when the CT-e that it is not in accordance and you wish to issue the Event for Service Disagreement, you reject the CTE in the incoming monitor, then you select the reason and send the event from there. Then the Carrier will be able to issue a new CTe.



NF-e NT 2014.002 v1.02 – WS Receiver Acknowledgement

The NT 2014.002  that brings the WS for Receiver Acknowledgement (Manifestacao do Destinatario) was updated in October 2016 and the main changes were:

  • Addition of new events for passage register and ICMS suspension postponing/cancellation

  • Download of the cancellation event without receive acknowledgment

  • New download option for an unique NF-e using access key via Webservice

  • Deactivation of the Webservice NFeConsultaDest and NFeDownloadNF in May 2nd, 2017

Because the 2 Webservices are being deactivated in May 2nd, 2017, it is mandatory to implement the SP26 before May, 2017 to continue using the unique NF-e download option and be able to download the XML when the DANFE arrives with the product and the XML was not made available automatically.

Mass Sending of Events of Receiver Acknowledgement

Now it is possible to process the Receiver Acknowledgement in mass. One by One is no longer necessary with the changes delivered in the SP26.

Selecting all NF documents and then selecting issue event.


BAdI for Email Determination in Supplier Notification

It was created a new BAdI /XNFE/BADI_EMAIL to allow more flexibility on vendor’s email determination.

Via configuration you can assign email address based on vendor’s CNPJ, but with the BAdI you can handle issuing to multiple email address or different partners that are not necessarily that CNPJ. 


Exclusion of DANFE reading on Gatekeeper Monitor

In the Gate keeper monitor it was necessary to read/scan DANFE by DANFE, but now when the gate receives a DACTE with multiple DANFEs he can process via DACTE instead processing DANFE by DANFE, one by one.


Thanks to the SAP Brazil Localization Team for putting this Webinar with all those details together!

As reminded by SAP, the GRC (SAP NFe 10.0) is way more simple to upgrade than the changes you need to made in the ERP side to accommodate all those new changes, then, plan in advance your changes in SAP to meet the deadlines.

Good Luck!
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