Hi All
I think there are lot of questions,which are roaming around here & there in the minds of sap consultants while I visit SAP- related clients & consultant in seminars.
The most prevalent few are like, what is Hybis Billing? How does it work? What component of this are working for?
From this topic you all can understand what the steps HB follows to create an invoice in a given case. I shall be writing more in this topics by mentioning different use cases.
Please follow the following steps to show SAP Hybris Billing demo for your clients to show how it creates revenue management billing in a complex business model.
The product can be used for different industries like, Telecom, Postal services, Toll Management System (in vehicle toll plaza), Metering billing, Content management subscription billing ( example- online web billing for video, content etc), Hi-thech billing etc.
The flow is like the following
- Create Business Partner(BP) in -SOM
- Create- pricing(usage) , charges in CC(convergent charging)
- Create Product in SOM (subscription order management)
- Integrate with CC (convergent charging) through CCM(cross catalogue mapping)
- Create SO/PO-- 1-adding product, 2-creating Business agreement(instant), 3- adding Technical Id
- Check subscriber account in CC with provider contract ( Contract account in SOM & CI (convergent invoicing))
- In case of Pre-paid- check for Prepaid account in CC
- Check billable items in CI for one-time charges like- activation charge, hardware charge etc
- Generate soap ui activation -- in case of manual activation of charges, for example- RC
- Generate CDR- by providing info on Service Id & Technical Id.
- Check CI monitor for BI( billable items)
- Create Billing - in CI
- Create Invoicing- in CI
- Manage Customer Financial Status in CFM ( customer financial management)
In case of further query, ask here in the forum as comments.
Thanks & Regards
Surojit Saha