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GRC Process Controls as a product have been gaining lot of interest for managing Internal Control for the organizations which do not have a centralized tool and many a times internal controls are recorded in spreadsheets, SharePoint site or Internal portals.

GRC Process Control offers a platform for internal controls implementation and management.
However, it does not come with readymade out-of-box content for setting up Controls.
There is a significant effort to configure Controls – Automated or Semi-Automated in nature and implement Continuous Control Monitoring (CCM) feature.

However, lately SAP have provided some ready rule content which can be imported and used immediately, this expedites the implementation timeline for GRC Process Control.

This article provides detailed steps for importing the CCM Rule content in GRC System.

SAP provided rules released by Note 1852865
Please find the original document at

Download Rule Content for GRC Process Control Continuous Control Monitoring(CCM) from SAP Service Market Place which is in zip format.

Following are the rules in the CCM Content Templates:
44 Configurable Rules and 11 Programmed Rules are provided by SAP.



1. Activating Process Control in GRC System

SPRO > GRC > General Settings > Activate Applications in Client


  1. Activate Automated Monitoring (AM) Scenario for Integration Framework


  1. Map Sub-scenario CONFIG - Configurable & PROG – Programmed to target Connector

Following are the Sub-scenario types:

Choose CONFIG - Configurable and click Scenario-Connector Link, map the target connector here, which is an ECC System in this case. Similarly repeat the same for PROG – Programmed and map to the target connector.


Implementing CCM Rule content in GRC System

  1. Importing CC Rules

SPRO > GRC > General Settings > Common Component Settings > Continuous Monitoring > Import Data Source and Business Rules


  1. Import Data Source and Business Rules Window

Click on to Browse and choose the zip file of the download CCM Content Template



Step A - Select Entries

Select the Business Rule(s) and click Next


Step B - Set Default Values

Choose the status and Main Connector and click “Apply to All

Select the business rule and click “Validate Selected Connector Status” which will turn Connector Status with a green check if the connector config and integration scenario for AM is properly configured



Step C - Set Importing Option


Step D - Review and Confirm

Choose the Business Rule and click onto “Import Business Rule

Successful import message


  1. Similarly import all other CCM Rule content template rules.Following is another instance for MM related content


  1. Once all rules contents are imported, goto NWBC Screen
    NWBC > Continuous Monitoring > Business Rules

  2. Click into the “Content Template” to refresh queries.

  1. Once refreshed, it will list all the rule content template which are imported

  1. Choose the required rule content template
    Click on to “Generate From Template” button to make it available as a Business Rule. Herein, the rule related to ITGC is chosen, object ID 50000002:

  2. The Business Rule reflects as per Today count

  3. Choose the Business Rule
    Click open to view the Business Rule details.


This concludes the process of importing the readily available CCM Rule Content provided by SAP and hence expediting GRC Process Control CCM Implementation for any organization.

Hope you find this article useful. Please tag your Q&A on GRC PC to SAP Process Control

Best Regards,
Suvonkar Bashak



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