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Business Scenario


In one of the GRC projects I have worked for, the client's requirement is to send the User Access Review Workflow to User for review at First Stage and then to Manager for review. Since there is no standard User agent provided by SAP we developed a custom user agent by making use of BRF+ functionality :smile:

BRF+ Agent Design

As per User Access Review process, first UAR request generation job is scheduled which will generate the requests and then UAR Workflow update job is scheduled which will push all UAR requests into workflow and then they go to corresponding workflow path and stages

Since "User Agent" is requested by the client, now "User" also becomes one of the GRC Approvers and hence "User" should exist in Target system and GRC System as well :smile:

Once the requests are generated by "UAR Request Generation" job, these requests will be stored in GRC table "GRACREVITEM - Review Request Related Items"

In our UAR User Agent design we used DBLOOKUP functionality to the table GRACREVITEM to get the result as UserID based on the UAR Request ID.

NOTE: This Agent design works for UAR workflows having MANAGER as REVIEWER :smile:

BRF+ Agent Configuration


You have to generate the BRF Rule via Transaction SPRO in GRC system. Follow the below steps in your GRC system.

Run the transaction SPRO, Go to IMG => Governance, Risk and Compliance =>Access Control =>Workflow for Access Control  => Define Workflow related MSMP rules.


Directly execute Tcode GRFNMW_DEV_RULES


  • Fill generation criteria (Process ID, Rule type, etc.)

  • Specify Generation options

  • Generate rule shell (Execute button)


Click Execute or Press F8. This now generates a successful message for BRFPlus Rule with name and ID. You can run BRF+ Tcode and can check the newly created BRF+ application there.

Functions Signature Update


In BRF+ function, change the mode to “Event Mode” and activate the function as shown below.

  • Since Function mode has been changed to “Event mode,” the result data object has changed automatically, so it has to be reset manually

  • In “Signature” tab of BRF Function, change the result data object to GRFN_MW_T_AGENT_ID

Create Ruleset in BRF+ Application


Create Ruleset in your BRF+ application by clicking on “Create Ruleset” button under “ASSIGNED RULESETS” tab of function. Ruleset is a combination of business rules that can only be assigned to a function in the BRFPlus framework.


Create Rule within Ruleset - Create Expression of Type “Loop”


  1. Click on “Insert Rule” button to create new rule

  2. From within rule, click on “Add” -> “Process Expression” -> “Create” to create a new expression

  3. Create expression of type “Loop” and provide suitable name and description.

  4. Loop gets created as shown below. Processing Mode and Loop Mode maintain as mentioned below.

Create Rules within Loop Expression


First Rule


a. Request ID field which we use in this particular agent rule is sent with prefix as "ACCREQ/REQ_ID". Before doing DBLOOKUP the prefix has to be removed and only "REQ_ID" should be sent to DBLOOKUP. To achieve this, I used "FORMULA" expression with SUBSTRING function.


b. Once the Request ID field is trimmed, then this Request ID field is used in DBLOOKUP and gets the UserID. The second rule is to create DBLOOKUP for tables GRACREVITEM


C. Each LineItem in BRF+ need to be assigned to context parameter ITEMNUM as we didn't initialize the LineItem key.


Second Rule


Second rule is used to assign value to context as shown below. This rule will be included in your loop for inserting the values into Agent ID table after processing each LineItem.


Finally Loop expression will have all required rules as shown below.

Once above rules creation is done, activate your expressions REMOVE STRING, DBLOOKUP, LOOP, FUNCTION and then check by simulating your function by adding Line Items rows and enter any Request_ID from table GRACREVITEM and check if your agent is returning correct results.



After verification this BRF+ agent can be used in MSMP UAR workflow and your UAR requests can be routed to User's for Approval/Notifications :smile:



Looking forward for all your feedback :smile:

Thanks for reading.

Best Regards,

Madhu Babu Sai

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