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RUN-248005: |Data flow DF_LOAD_<NAMA>|Transform WScall-Function24

There is no response for the web service <ImportPackageData>. Ensure that the network, web server, and service are running properly. Also ensure that the service client call time out is set properly."

Error in SAP FIM


SAP Financial Consolidation 10.1
SAP BO IPS 4.2 SP8, SAP Financial Information Management 10.0 SP18 and SAP Data Service 4.2
SAP Financial Consolidation server is installed on a separate server
You are using httpS in SAP FC WebService.

You scenario is: SAP FIM -> SAP DS -> SAP FC

How to investigate:

You need to turn on debug mode in SAP DS in DSConfig.txt ([AL_Engine] section), it is online operation:
Rest_Debug_Level = 1
Native_Webservice_Call_Enable_Debug = TRUE

After that please repeat your job and check axis2_log.txt in <DS_COMMON_DIR>/log directory:
[Tue Nov 22 09:51:57 2022] [info]  Starting addressing out handler
[Tue Nov 22 09:51:57 2022] [debug] ..\..\src\modules\mod_addr\addr_out_handler.c(133) No action present. Stop processing addressing
[Tue Nov 22 09:51:57 2022] [debug] ..\..\src\core\transport\http\sender\http_transport_sender.c(246) ctx_epr:https://<host>/FCWebServices/operation/ImportService.asmx
[Tue Nov 22 09:51:57 2022] [debug] ..\..\src\core\transport\http\sender\http_transport_sender.c(805) using axis2 native http sender.
[Tue Nov 22 09:51:57 2022] [debug] ..\..\src\core\transport\http\sender\http_sender.c(422) msg_ctx_id:urn:uuid:83cc58ad-0d5c-4977-9066-efd7473497f0
[Tue Nov 22 09:51:57 2022] [info]  [ssl client] CA certificate not specified
[Tue Nov 22 09:51:57 2022] [error] ..\..\src\core\transport\http\sender\ssl\ssl_utils.c(51) Cannot find certificates
[Tue Nov 22 09:51:57 2022] [error] ..\..\src\core\transport\http\sender\ssl\ssl_stream.c(98) Error occurred in SSL engine
[Tue Nov 22 09:51:57 2022] [error] ..\..\src\core\transport\http\sender\http_client.c(297) Data stream creation failed for Host <host> and 443 port
[Tue Nov 22 09:51:57 2022] [error] ..\..\src\core\transport\http\sender\http_client.c(554) client data stream  null or socket error for host <host> and 443 port
[Tue Nov 22 09:51:57 2022] [error] ..\..\src\core\transport\http\sender\http_client.c(558) A read attempt(HTTP) for the reply without sending the request
[Tue Nov 22 09:51:57 2022] [error] ..\..\src\core\transport\http\sender\http_sender.c(1389) status_code < 0
[Tue Nov 22 09:51:57 2022] [error] ..\..\src\core\engine\engine.c(179) Transport sender invoke failed
[Tue Nov 22 09:51:57 2022] [info]  [rampart][rampart_mod] rampart_mod shutdown

The solution is describe in 2642154 - Error: "There is no response for the web service <DISCOVER_RFCSRV>" when SSL is enabled for Tomcat- SAP Data Services and it's online operation (there is no need to restart SAP DS)

The cause of the problem is missing configuration parameter in axis2.xml (LINK_DIR/ext/webservice-c):
<parameter name="SERVER_CERT"><PATH_to_server_cert></parameter>

After adding that parameter to the config file, Axis2 (SAP DS) works correctly with HTTPs SAP FC WebService:

[Tue Nov 22 15:01:33 2022] [debug] ..\..\src\core\transport\http\sender\http_transport_sender.c(246) ctx_epr:https://<host>/FCWebServices/operation/ImportService.asmx
[Tue Nov 22 15:01:33 2022] [debug] ..\..\src\core\transport\http\sender\http_transport_sender.c(805) using axis2 native http sender.
[Tue Nov 22 15:01:33 2022] [debug] ..\..\src\core\transport\http\sender\http_sender.c(422) msg_ctx_id:urn:uuid:9b316072-bfd5-422c-890e-36383a90f0e1
[Tue Nov 22 15:01:33 2022] [info]  [ssl client] Client certificate chain filenot specified
[Tue Nov 22 15:01:33 2022] [debug] ..\..\src\core\transport\http\sender\ssl\ssl_utils.c(209) [ssl client] SSL certificate verified against peer
[Tue Nov 22 15:01:40 2022] [debug] ..\..\src\core\transport\http\sender\http_transport_sender.c(822) OP name axutil_qname_get_localpart =
[Tue Nov 22 15:01:40 2022] [debug] ..\..\axiom\src\soap\soap_builder.c(930) Identified soap version is soap11
[Tue Nov 22 15:01:40 2022] [debug] ..\..\src\core\engine\phase.c(210) Invoke the handler request_uri_based_dispatcher within the phase Transport
[Tue Nov 22 15:01:40 2022] [debug] ..\..\src\core\engine\phase.c(210) Invoke the handler AddressingInHandler within the phase Transport
[Tue Nov 22 15:01:40 2022] [info]  Starting addressing in handler
[Tue Nov 22 15:01:40 2022] [debug] ..\..\src\core\engine\phase.c(210) Invoke the handler addressing_based_dispatcher within the phase Transport
[Tue Nov 22 15:01:40 2022] [debug] ..\..\src\core\engine\phase.c(210) Invoke the handler LoggingInHandler within the phase PreDispatch
[Tue Nov 22 15:01:40 2022] [info]  Starting logging in handler .........


Useful notes and links:
2642154 - Error: "There is no response for the web service <DISCOVER_RFCSRV>" when SSL is enabled for Tomcat- SAP Data Services
1960570 - How to configure FIM and Data Services to use SSL? - FIM - SAP ONE Support Launchpad
2231938 - Error RUN-248005 during data load to BPC using FIM
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