After the installation completed, need to launch core tool.
Launching the core tool can be done using VNC viewer or X-manager related tools at root or <sid>adm
In order to launch the core tool at root or <sid>adm account, please make sure set the environment variable "SAPCC_JAVA_HOME" and value must be set in root or <sid>adm.
You might encounter issues when launching the core tool as described below
During executing "" at root as shown below or
or launching core_tool n VNC viewer or X-manager related tools in linux System, the message displayed as shown in the figure below
the error message appeared that “The Java specification version of the JVM used is not 1.8.
Make sure the SAPCC_JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to the path of your SAP JVM 8 directory”
Although environment variable “SAPCC_JAVA_HOME” was already maintained at root or <sid>adm as shown in the above figure, this could be due to either files empty or some permission issue.
Investigate: Screenshot below for your self explanation
Run java version
$SAPCC_JAVA_HOME/bin/java -version as shown below
As shown above , unable to execute java in order to determine java version because execution permission for all files under bin folder is missing
Add execution permission by using command "chmod +x *" in bin folder of $SAPCC_JAVA_HOME
As shown in the above , execution permission (“x”) was added for owner, group and others column.
Then run java command , to determine jre version , as shown below
$SAPCC_JAVA_HOME/bin/java -version
able to execute java version as shown above.
Run admin+ command as shown below
Launch Core tool as shown below
Core_tool screen appears as shown above.