This is just a small piece of information which discusses about how to solve "
PushActions By Value Error when opening a link from BPF Using Firefox"
Many of us would be using IE browser for opening BPF link.
If any one of you using
Fire fox and encountering errors
“PushActions By Value” when opening BPF link.
Please find the steps in the
attached document to install
NP.EPM.Plugin.xpi in the Fire fox
Add ons to resolve the issue.
Also please refer to the Latest OSS note released for this:
2133861 - "Error launching office client: a.PushActionsByValue is not a function" happens when launching EPM Add-in from a BPF instance
It worked for me and I would like to share this to all of you. Kindly ignore if it’s already working for you.
Open fire fox and click addons
In the below screen screen, click “Install add-on from file
Please browse and select the file
NP.EPM.Plugin.xpi from the below path: change the user name as per your system or search the file name
NP.EPM.Plugin.xpi in My Computer, locate the file and open it.
\<username>\AppData\Local\Programs\SAP BusinessObjects\EPM Add-In
C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Programs\SAP BusinessObjects\EPM Add-In
Once you click open, select the file and click Install Now.
- NP.EPM.Plugin will be installed after you restart your fire fox.
Restart your firefox and open the BPF LINK from the web Admin, there will not be any “Push back errors “and the package link will open in the way it opens from Internet Explorer.
To Enable / Disable EPM - Addin :
If the EPM Add in the excel is not enabled automatically execute LoadEPMAddin.reg just the double click of the file will do. Re-open the excel and it will show EPM Add in.
To Disable EPM Add in :
Find the badi name using the FILTER Name from the LGF FILE :
use the table "
BADI_CHAR_COND" to find the implemenation name of the BADI.
Go to SE16 --->
BADI_CHAR_COND --> type the filter name in the
VALUE1 field and click execute to get the implementation name
ENHNAME will give you the Implementation name and you can check in SE19 using the name of the ENHNAME.
This table helps to quickly find the exact implementation name of the filter.